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Good game, although as with any jam game, I have some nitpicks for you.

1) While the concept is cool, and I like the use of the theme, the game gets repetitive really fast. While this is a jam, so I don't really fault you for it, but it did drag the game down a bit.

2) I wish the map was a little smaller. It would make it a bit more realistic to save all the survivors, because as of now, they die off screen constantly and it doesn't always feel like my fault that they die. Another solution would be to reduce the spawn rate of the survivors. It's just a little hard to manage imo.

Overall though, good game! I liked the art, the gameplay, while not much, was still pretty enjoyable, and the soundtrack and sounds were great. Nice job!

(Also if you could play, rate, and give feedback to my game as well that would be great)