A good foundation for a fun game and I really loved the sheep facts! But right now is lacking some stuff here and there.
Presentation: art style is good and coherent, I really like the dog and sheep. Dog customization is fun too, can't wait to see the final version.
Controls: overall they are good, the dog is responsive and fun to move around. The car is a bit problematic, as the overworld has some wonky colliders.
Audio: the main offender for this entry, the lack of music and audio feedback is severely undermining the experience, but nothing that cannot be fixed.
Player feedback: the game is really lacking feedback for the player, especially when completing a level or clicking on a button.
Tiny bugs: if you press space too many times during a level loading you can end up with a <null> sheep fact, and also the level timer will start while still on the black screen loading screen.
Overall the game is fun but needs some more polish to really pop.