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David Lewis

A member registered Mar 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the excellent and actionable feedback. I've spent some time on the weekend fixing the "sheep in the corner" issue, and I've also adjusted the ambient occlusion settings (the trees have much more depth now). 

Aiming to resume the daily releases from tomorrow. Once I do these changes will be available. 

Done :)

sounds awesome I’ll check it out tomorrow 🎉

Thank you, I really enjoyed watching you play the game on your stream yesterday. This feedback is excellent, the skipping and recapping tutorials especially :) 

thanks for taking the time to review the game, and for giving me valuable feedback. That bug with hitting space should now be fixed. 

I’m on track to having the other pieces of feedback action by the end of the week 😊

thanks for playing, sorry about getting stuck on the map. I’ll look into that ASAP. Love the idea of an easy cozy mode! 

Thanks so much for playing and streaming the game, it made my day 😊🐑

Memory leak should now be fixed.

Thanks for raising the slow-down issue, I hadn't seen it when playing, but now looking at the debugging tools it seems like I've got a problem just like you suspected, thanks for this I'll have it fixed up today.

I'm sorry about the technical issues with the game, especially the menus. Are you able to let me know which menus? I've got half a feeling of where the problems lie....

Thanks for taking the time to play the game. Your feedback is fantastic. That stuck-in-the-corner problem, I'm going to jump on that right away as it's come up a couple of times. 

I love all your ideas on the audio. It's something I've barely touched in the game so far - I think it might be limited to barks at the moment :) 

Your suggestions on where to go next are on track with where I'm considering going.

I've made my first adjustment following your feedback. The sheep should now feel more manoeuvrable when they're operating as a flock 😊

I was hoping to review the game tonight, but upon starting the game my daughter took my controller from me and took over. She had an absolute blast playing and said, “it’s too fun!”

We had a priceless moment when we finished one wave, and all the little dragons showed up and we said “ooo I wonder if they’re coming to be our friends”… they were not… so we legged it and dropped eggs as fast as possible.

She would like to know if there’s a dinosaur boss in the game.

I love the look of the game, you’ve played my game, so you know there's some similarity in the types of 3D models we have, I appreciate a good tree and grass, and I love yours (I might even have another crack at my trees and grass!). Animals are cute, but also threatening (those bull eyes will haunt me).

There is a neverendingness quality to the game we had when playing, which may be by design or maybe just because we didn’t play it for long enough. I would have liked an opportunity for some closure to a level and some variety to the look, but that may go against what you’re trying to achieve.

Overall it’s a great game, heaps of fun and has now caused me a problem with getting my daughter to bed. Well done. I’ve wishlisted so I can keep track of what comes next. Good luck.

I played for about 30 minutes

Thanks for taking the time to play that game. Given your feedback, I'll fine-tune the sheep controls and adjust some of the expectations on the levels. I massively appreciate your feedback to help my game improve. 

Love it! Top marks from me, from the opening audio and 80s sci-fi movie opening to the tricky puzzles to solve. The old-school no-hand-holding approach is something I liked too. You help me understand the basics of the game, but let me know I've got to do the work from there on. 

Well done on a great game, can't wait to see where you go with it next!

Great reply 😊 what i’ve found rewarding has been to get my Steam page up and running and start building up how many people have my game wishlisted. So that once I reach the point where my game is released or goes into early access I’ve got an audience waiting to respond.

Good luck with the next stage I’m keen to see how things unfold 👍

Great game, simple to understand but hard to master after I cranked up the difficulty. I'd echo much of the feedback that's already been given and say adding a sense of progression would elevate the game to the next level. 

Overall I'm giving top marks for an excellent experience. Nice work!

Great fun to play, and I enjoyed my time stuck in the liminal. And I’ll be back to kick that slime’s butt later.

Controls available as mouse and keyboard, which was a nice surprise.

There’s a lovely dry sense of humour in the dialogue, which I really like. Made me smile on a few occasions (e.g. walking in on “You’re going nowhere, you big blue bastard!”.

I’ve not got much experience with this genre, so I’m coming in with minimal experience.

With the intro it gave me a lot of instructions on what to do. As I’m new to this genre there was a lot for me to take in. I tend to absorb the way to play when I’m controlling, but it’s guided. So when I was finally in the fights I was loving it, but then I was thinking - damn what was the advice earlier?

When I was in control for the first time, and it was very white, I was a little unsure what to do, I found an item and managed to discover the stairs. It was a nice feeling when I worked it out. But may be something to contrast my movement wouldn’t have moved me along a little quicker.

Overall I enjoyed my experience, and it gave me fond memories of my ZX Spectrum and C64 from when I was a kid. Nice work!

Extra note: with the way the game is set up on Itch I had trouble using the Itch app and had to download it directly. 

Very polished and great fun to play. I've not played many turn-based combat games (I'm not sure if I'm naming the genre correctly), so I was especially appreciative of the gentle introduction it gave me. I was kicking butt in no time!

The artwork is fantastic and gives me SNES vibes which I always love. It's also very consistent in the artwork style, which helps immerse me in the world. 

Audio is good, nice atmospheric background audio that doesn't interfere with my playing. Great voice work, too to help guide me through the game.

The controls were great. As a new player, sometimes I'd think, "What do I do next" and the UI was always clear with what I should do. 

Overall great job with this game, so the big question is... what will you do with it next when it feels so polished and ready?

Thanks for taking the time to review. I’m sorry the 2nd stage didn’t go well. I’ve updated it today to make it a more gentle introduction

Hi folks, I'm excited to be part of Feedback Quest 4! The game is still in development so your feedback is very important to me in making sure the game can be the best that it can be.

Thanks to all the folks who have paid for the game, even though it's so early in development. My goal is to have the first release available here on Itch in the first week of May.

Thank you! Hopefully I can deliver on the vision :) 

Great job re-imagining a classic. I loved the Last Ninja games!

So much fun, reminds me of SNES Super Tennis but with more personality.

Great game, I love the art style and the premise is so simple but very effective. Love it!

I like what you're thinking, turn a bug into a feature!

Thank you :) 

I made a minor update earlier today. So the dogs now have different coloured scarfs, which should start to help with telling the difference. There's also a sprint button too. If you're on the keyboard it's the shift button, if you're on a controller, it's X/the left face button. 


Thanks for this, those are all things I can do. I’ll start with telling the dogs apart 😀

You made my day with this comment. Let me know if there’s anything you or your daughter would like to see as the game evolves 🐑

With the last couple of releases I’ve been tidying up the code a bit and that game should be more stable on older systems. I’ve got an old 4Gb Surface laptop that runs the game at around 30fps, and waaaay less crashes.

I've added another player. The game now supports up to 3 players. Once I find another controller, I'll add the fourth.

Thanks, Magic Hat. I'm hoping I can deliver on that

I'm excited to share the first demo of my new game Too Many Sheep. It's currently in development, and the first demo introduces a few levels and the mechanics of the game. 

I'll be aiming to do a new release each week as I add in local multiplayer, level selection, more levels etc. etc.

Wow, thanks a million. I love your site :) 

Fancy a bit of competitive sheep herding? Then Sheep Game is for you. It's a couch based multiplayer game for PC and Mac.

Sheep Game has been inspired by the likes of Overcooked and Bomberman, with it's focus on local multiplayer.

I'm still actively working on the game to make it as much fun as it can be. Please let me know what you think and what changes would increase the fun factor :)

Sheep Game community · Created a new topic Sheep Game

Thanks for checking out Sheep Game. The game is still in development and I value any feedback that will make the game more fun.