I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he's doing better!
I sadly cannot re-send codes to individual people. They're not assigned to an account, they're assigned in the system to e-mails which then you have to claim. We, Five Points, don't know what e-mails those codes are assigned to. That's something Itch has on their end. We're looking for ways to avoid/work around this for our next Kickstarter because as you can imagine it's been a real, excuse the language but we're just as frustrated as you all are if not more, fucking pain in our ass. So at this time we just can't send you the missing codes for The Midnight Generation. We will be re-sending the WAR Book codes however probably next week some time so as not to spam everyone's inboxes.
As mentioned, we didn't hit All Stars during the campaign. We really wanted to, we got halfway there but the Kickstarter was always to pay for art and graphic design and that money has long been spent. Even if we could reallocate funds from other projects to finish it, we made it clear during and post-campaign that we didn't hit it and it wasn't something we'd be able to put out as part of the campaign. We realize there was some confusion with how it was listed in the Tier rewards and that led to some thinking it was coming out even though we didn't get it hit with the stretch goal.
The only individual Playbook you should have is the Liminal, we've not sent any of the individual ones to our Backers. We might do a collected Just the Playbooks for backers however. We're still in discussion.