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Five Points Games

A member registered May 26, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for the comment!! Means a lot!!

Thanks for the kind words!!

(1 edit)

The only update to the Quickstart will be some copyediting stuff, as far as we have planned. We'll talk over whatever else we feel like we might need to add but I can't make any promises, commitments, or otherwise on that end.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention - best way to get direct answers, and help with what's not in the Quickstart, is to join our Discord. Pretty active, especially for A Monster's Tail.

(2 edits)

Really glad to hear you're enjoying the game!! Tell your players thank you as well!

1 - Reputation explanations were something cut from the free PDF but they will be in the full game. The PDF went much bigger than we were expecting, but I can assure you (because I just checked because I have a terrible memory) that the Reputations are explained in detail in the full product. It will, in fact, be the very first thing explained in Chapter 3: Character Creation.

 2- Gear is explained in the PDF however. Gear Points (and how you can gain them) can be found under the Travel Mechanics, specifically the Move Gear Up (on page 26 of the PDF), and what Gear is, and how it's used, can be found on Page 24 and 25. The entire Gear List however is not in the PDF but will be in the final product. This was, once again, cut for brevity of the free version of the game.

We expect to have the PDF out to backers at the end of this month. Our artists have December and January off for holidays, family, and the like, but we'll be back swinging with art in the new year. We're aiming for a PDF release by Fall of next year to everyone on Itch and Drivethru, and a physical release to backers in Winter as per Kickstarter obligations. We will then be eying Print on Demand over at DrivethruRPG in 2026 if we can meet all of those goals.

And the likelihood is solid, given that we've been ahead of schedule for our goals this year.

I'd like to give you an update. As we've recently set up a DriveThruRPG store, we will be getting this to Print On Demand there when we're able.

(6 edits)

Hey! Thanks for playing our silly little fishing game! We're not allergic to math, but some of the choices were intentional to drive home that Simple Fisher Sam is scamming you. The game's silly, it's meant to be light hearted, and it's meant to be irreverent to the fishing minigames you find in a ton of games.

1. The cost of bait is relative to the most likely fish you can catch of the lowest Grade possible for the Bait, up to Huge Bait. Huge Bait has been lowered to 15. Kyle got cold feet on that and raised it to 20 but we think you're right, that the price should be lowered and we've updated it to reflect that change. The rest however -

For example, you are more likely to get a Fox Faced Fancy which is 9g rolling on the Medium Fish list, and then more likely to get a Zeta Fish which is 13, or Sam's Little Angle which is 10g. 

The cost for Poor Quality is 4g so you can, just on the most average roll, buy two Bait per the most likely chance to catch Medium Fish. We made the game assuming you'd be using the bait to catch the highest level fish you could, but we still wanted to leave the choice for people on the off chance you get a trophy of a lower grade Fish.

2. If you're using the Gold Tackle on anything lower than Huge then you're not making an optimal choice which was intentional, honestly. The money choices for the higher stuff was made with the intent that if you can afford it, you're catching larger fish and not bothering with the smaller fish. 

You get 5 uses out of the Gold Bait which guarantee a Trophy catch. The lowest Trophy cost of a Huge Fish only requires 2 to break even at the most likely of roll and everything beyond that you're likely to break even on a single roll. You get three or four more uses after that. So if you use the Gold Tackle on a Huge Fish, you're never wasting money. You can't ever not break even if you only use the Gold Tackle on Huge Fish.

3. Catching a God Fish is a special little thing, it's not the end goal. It's why you can't purchase the bait. It's not really designed to make a profit or really what you're aiming at. Huge Fish and Oddities are where we expected people to level out at.

I hope that helps.

- Kyle

That'd be because I didn't put it on the master sheet when I sent it to our graphic designer. It's 12 and 36 respectively. Thanks for the catch! - Kyle

The short answer is: It is possible.
The long answer is: It's not something on the cards at this moment. It'd require Sam to shift from current projects, the major one being getting A Monster's Tail ready for physical print.

We do plan on getting it print friendly now that we have it up on Drivethru as well, to take advantage of their Print on Demand ability. We'll make an announcement when that's coming through the pipe.

It's on the final page on the chart. You need X amount of Domains per Rank. 5 for Lesser, 8 for Intermediate, 11 for Greater, and 14 for Elder God.

It works on all our systems so it seems to be an issue with Foxit.

Yes, it does require the core Masks game to play. We are currently working on a stand alone version however.

I just mean that we didn't write it to be played solo. We wrote it with the idea to be played with 3-4 players. I'm sure you could play it solo with some tweaks and using Mythic.  Also, thanks for backing!

Thanks for backing!!

To answer your first question: Yes. It is incredibly easy to convert the game to using Pokemon. The only issue you might run into is Immunities such as Dark being Immune to Psychic but we're confident it can work. The original Playtest actually used Pokemon. We simply ignored the Immunity Rule and gave a harsher penalty for rolls against what you'd otherwise be Immune to.

Second: We don't have plans for print on demand yet but if and when we do we'll be sure to announce it. We don't currently have our company set up on Drivethru which is the first hurdle but we plan to in the near future. Once we've got that worked out, we'll be looking into doing Print on Demand for all our content up on that platform.

I wouldn't know, I don't know that system to say if it would work or well.

You didn't, we missed that apparently as we added The Unruly at the last minute! We'll get that fixed but for now.


I hurt __________ in the past, I hope they can forgive me.

__________ helps me when I fly off the handle.

Those are the Relationship questions for the Unruly.

We hope you enjoy!

(1 edit)

No, they're the same thing. Sightseeing is separate because we had it up for free during the Kickstarter. Also, thank you for your purchase!

The maximum for the Audience track is 3, regardless of Reputation. That's why there are only three pips for the Audience Track.

Yes, the Idol does reset their Drives after a Performance. You no longer get Perks when successfully hitting a Benchmark, that somehow remained from an older version.

The Idol is probably the most complex of the eight but we've smoothed it down a lot. Can you tell me exactly what you're not understanding on The Idol's Audience Reputation mechanic you're having trouble with?

It's not really designed for that at the base game. Maybe for a splatbook or something.

Hey! Thanks for the interest!

We are, indeed, still working on this! We have plans on doing a Kickstarter by the end of the year!! You can keep updated on our progress either here on Itch by following our page or following us on Twitter and Bluesky, here are the links to that, it's the best way to keep abreast of what we're doing, any art we put out or other news.

We are planning on a physical copy through the kickstarter as well! Thanks again for the interest and the kind words! We're excited to show you what we've got for the future! Lots of plans for the game, splatbooks and additional content are in the works.

Not at the moment but we're working on this! We have a Twitch Channel we'll be broadcasting it on:

Soon! I don't have a fixed date but it's on our list of things to get done in the next month or two. 

Thanks!! We're really happy with it!

You'll get your code resent when the art is done, yes. It'll be sent to the same e-mail Worst Generation was sent to.

I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he's doing better!

I sadly cannot re-send codes to individual people. They're not assigned to an account, they're assigned in the system to e-mails which then you have to claim. We, Five Points, don't know what e-mails those codes are assigned to. That's something Itch has on their end. We're looking for ways to avoid/work around this for our next Kickstarter because as you can imagine it's been a real, excuse the language but we're just as frustrated as you all are if not more, fucking pain in our ass. So at this time we just can't send you the missing codes for The Midnight Generation. We will be re-sending the WAR Book codes however probably next week some time so as not to spam everyone's inboxes.

As mentioned, we didn't hit All Stars during the campaign. We really wanted to, we got halfway there but the Kickstarter was always to pay for art and graphic design and that money has long been spent. Even if we could reallocate funds from other projects to finish it, we made it clear during and post-campaign that we didn't hit it and it wasn't something we'd be able to put out as part of the campaign. We realize there was some confusion with how it was listed in the Tier rewards and that led to some thinking it was coming out even though we didn't get it hit with the stretch goal.

The only individual Playbook you should have is the Liminal, we've not sent any of the individual ones to our Backers. We might do a collected Just the Playbooks for backers however. We're still in discussion.

I replied on Kickstarter, but we haven't sent these out again. We sent them out last year however. We'll send out updates when we get the art done which should be soon.

Hi! Thanks for the review and feedback! A few comments of our own, if you'd like

1. The Houses for the school, as is all of Chapter 2, are entirely optional. They're more modeled however after American Boarding Schools, where students are assigned dorms. Kyle, our writer, attended a Boarding School and wanted to more fully embody that within the setting. As the students live on campus during school, we felt that dorm assignment and such should be carried forward as well. Boarding Schools often do this to keep different grades into a single unit so inter-grade cliches and bullying can be better mitigated and addressed. The students are, likewise, not expected to be "trapt" in the school. They're most certainly free to go out with assumed supervision and of course, the weekends are free for students like anywhere else. This is also fairly typical of American Boarding Schools.

2. The Shadow's Move in question assumes the players know the source material and like PbtA games in general, lets players and GMs adjudicate exactly how Moves and the narrative work for them at the table.

3. The Investigation Track are the pips next to the names on your Laundry List. It appears we missed a header for those, we'll make sure to add that in when we update the art. The pips are also supposed to be filled in, not blank. They're a Clock like any other in PbtA, where you tick down instead of up like most Clocks in Masks. We'll make the graphic easier to understand. Thanks!

4. Malus is a term in tabletop games that is the opposite of Bonus. So any penalties to a roll.

Thanks!! And we've got more coming in our PbtA game A Monster's Tail!


I've got two in mind, right off the bat. One working off Metroid Prime since...Metroidvania inspired gameplay. And another based off the anime Mushi Shi.

Hey! I didn't get an e-mail no, and while I'm flattered I live in the US and that's a lot of money to ship it to me. I'd be just as happy if you offered it to someone else, especially if they're closer to you if it's all the same.


(1 edit)

Got a Masks Playbook called The Liminal planned, art all finished for it.

You're very welcome, thank you for running the jam! Hope it all looks solid and balanced!

Just had to wait for the cover to get done, should be up now!

Looking to do Psionics and a setting with Gods and some races.

1. Yes, flip and change are the same.
2. Whatever feels right for the fiction. I know that's sort of a hinky answer but it's really dependent on the narrative like a lot of PbtA stuff. Running from the fight for a better position, having to fall back from a powerful assault. That sort of thing.

3.  Whenever the GM says it's over. We did three rounds, fourth for a tie breaker and it was over during playtests.

4. Again, this depends on the GM and the fiction. As the book says, the GM sets the prizes for winning.

5. The former.

6. Also the former.

The point to Earth and Wood Tokens is you can change your choices once you know what your opponent chooses. Since both sides declare at once, and you flip them, it allows you to either not take a loss or to change a choice to a win.

You need to win two out of three scuffles. If you're already down one, cutting a second means it's a draw. If you're up one and confident you can win the second, it's a victory.

I'm not sure what you're looking for for the last question.

It isn't designed for solo-play.
