I like the idea of the tool but I think there are some areas where it could be improved.
- Storing the key as a filename at any point doesn't seem like a good idea. Maybe you could use an environment variable instead?
- This probably only affected me but in Turkish, i and ı are different letters. When I saw the Alt-I shortcut, I assumed it expected me to press Alt+i since that's what lowercase of I is in English but it actually expected me to press Alt+ı. Therefore, I think it might be better to use a letter other than i.
- There is no obvious way to navigate older entries. It seems like the correct way to access older entries is starting the program as "jern.exe <path/to/file.se>" but this is never mentioned anywhere and there doesn't appear to be a help command either (I tried /?, --help and -h, none of them worked). It would be nice to have a way to navigate to older entries within the terminal interface itself.
I am looking forward to future versions of Jern!