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This is going to come off as harsh, and I don't mean to discourage you or anything, and I don't want you to think that I hated the game or anything, but I had a few issues with this game, and I really don't know if this was due to me or just the way the game is designed.

I am perfectly willing to concede that I might just suck at the game, but there are THREE major issues I found with the game that hold it back from greatness.  I understand this is still a demo, but I hope you can take these issues I have and try to fix them.

My first and easily the biggest grip I have is the flashing flashlight when the Giants show up.  I'm sorry, but this has to go. This is not fair, this not fun, this honestly takes me out of the game because it makes the fights not scary, but unfair.  If I cannot see the enemy, how can I kill him?  Now on it's own this isn't a huge issue, but that brings me to my next point:

The weapons sway is RIDICULOUS.  I cannot hit anything unless it's right in front of me.  I understand this is supposed to be realistic, but I personally could hold a pistol much more steady than this guy.  I'm saying it needs to be Rainbow Six Siege levels of steady, but I legit cannot figure out of this aiming works.  Combined with the recoil, when I miss a shot it doesn't feel like it's "my fault", it feels like it's the games fault.  Now I'm fine with the recoil.  And I'm fine with the weapons sway.  But I don't think it works well together.  Again, I could just be bad at the game, so maybe this is just a terrible take on my part. But it all ends with my final major grip with the game.

All of these issues can be passed off, but with these issues alongside the enemy health, I feel like this is just super unfair.  With the weapon sway and recoil, it is super difficult to tell if I am in fact hitting my target.  And with the flickering lights, it really does make it hard to tell if I hit the guy, or if I missed, or if I hit the guy but I actually just took a few points of his health.  It is really hard to tell.  Again, I could just be bad at the game, but I do want to bring these up in case this is in fact something that others have pointed out (and after watching a few videos I do think it isn't fully just me.)

I know this is long, and it might sound mean, but I do mean it, there is a TON of potential here! The sound effects are amazing! The game looks BEAUTIFUL! The monsters are TERRIFYING.  I was really tense and scared while playing this at first.  The jumpscares got me, my first encounter with an enemy really freaked me out.  I LOVED that.  But then the issues showed themselves after that.  

As I say in my video, I would pay for a full game like this, but with these issues, it really does hold it back, to me at least.  And if you want help, while I don't really know Unity all to well, I can help with game design, sound, story, voice acting, or something else.  I'm a developer too, and I understand that sometimes we get tunnel vision with our stuff, I won't deny my stuff has issues, so I hope that what I'm saying, while a lot of it is negative, does help you make what could become one of the BEST indie horror games at least of the year, maybe EVER.

Headshots are the key, once i stopped aiming it was smooth sailing.

I have tried headshots.  But I cannot tell if they're hitting half the time, and many times I'm just breaking the enemy mask


(google translate) it's a horror game first and foremost, and I wanted it to be difficult for the player to play and shoot, to create panic and stress in moments of combat. It also all depends on whether you shoot slowly or quickly, you can shoot quickly at close range, but in the distance, due to recoil, it is better to shoot slowly. Movement is also very important, you can not let yourself be driven into a corner. I like screen flashing, and it should just complicate the game and not give less control of the situation to the player, but many people say that it is not very good, so I don’t even know. It all depends on the player, you can kill opponents very easily if you get used to it.

Here's my thoughts: tone down the weapon sway JUST a little bit, and have an option for the flashing light in the menu.