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Very original concept with a very good and unique take on the theme, my biggest issue like many have said is sadly the gameplay. I fully understand that due to life and personal reasons the game didn't turn out as expected, which I can cut some slack for; however, based on other jam submissions, I must be fair.

Personally, the gameplay was boring. I wish some more gameplay/mini-games came into the picture to help spice it up more. Additionally, I felt the game lacked any story or lore, which is a shame because this game 100% seems like something that would contain some intriguing story. It would have added depth and engagement to the experience.

Moreover, the absence of any music or sounds felt very... odd? I don't know how to describe it, but it left the game feeling empty, in my opinion.

Overall, this game has potential. I highly encourage you, if you can, to work on this as a full-fledged project since I can see the foundation for something unique and fun. However, as it currently stands, it falls short in terms of providing an engaging experience. I apologize if I sound harsh; I'm simply being honest.

I hope whatever is going on personally, life-wise gets sorted out! I wish you the best of luck for your future works!