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For me this is hard to play for a couple reasons both relating to the most pathetic mc of any of these games i have ever tried.   Firstly is he supposed to be some weird sissy boy that hasnt decided if he is in the closet or not I mean he easily passes for a cowardly flat chested girl.  Second is just his entire personality this piss poor excuse for a male would even make some of the biggest basement dwelling perma-virgin otaku losers mega cringe at almost every last thing he does and/or word that pops into his head he thinking or pukes out of his sad oh so sad mouth...  no way in hell most could ever so much as slightly relate. 

Did yall really have to make the MC such a pathetic, high water wearin. ugly as sin loser who looks like he sports a perm.

Oh and who's digusting borderline gay idea was it to put his girly boy sad sack loser ass into a gross g-string type speedo... on a dude... really


I'm sorry if the character caused you sincere negative emotions, but the structure and phrasing of your comment made me laugh. Thank you for your comment and feedback.


Oh my god this. It's why I don't even want to play down the "Slave route" it's like dude I hope you help out and free them and then get ass fucked in hell for eternity. Like overall the game is good but the mc just makes me want to reach through the screen and hang him from the celling like I have no idea why it's like this. Is it so he has a major "growth" arc at the end or what as it just makes me want to subject him to hell. Dude when I'm playing this bored out of my mind trying to relax so I can fall asleep or something and I just jump up and do a double take at what I just read it's uh telling to say the least. Like I said game overall good, but I've seen more stable mcs in parity games that mock people like who your talking about. Basement dwellers who never leave the gaming chair.