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The Waifu House is available on the two routes of Ash's story. It can be accessed through the principal's office. But first, you will need to look in the store, which is also in the principal's office.

Mikasa can be found in the Waifu House on Ash's slave route. She appears there after the Slave Level 3 event for Ash.

Seitsu is the second trainer in the Dojo and can be accessed on Hinata's Slave route. She appears after the Slave 3 level event for Hinata.

Yes, you're right. The latest versions don't work for me either. I haven't found a solution among plugins or settings. I made no technical changes on the PC between versions; only the file size increased due to new content. And on the JoiPlay Reddit, they write that some games are just not supported.

You should still try to play the split versions. I have made an automatic transfer of saves between versions, so the transition between versions will be effortless and lossless. Also, if you still have saves from JoiPlay, you can also transfer them. To do this, start the mobile version of the game to create a save folder. Then, transfer your old saves to the Android/Documents/WaifuSlutSchool/saves folder. 

In version 0.3.8 there are no main and open world events of the First and Second Acts. If you have not played WSS, it is recommended that you complete the First and Second Acts version first and then move on to the Third Act. 

To get started, you need to visit Touka several times on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday Evening at the School Library to open the Cafe. After that, you must come to this Cafe on Saturday Morning to start Victoria's Level 1 event.

The persistent file that stores preferences and gallery state should also be transferred between versions. I checked that. Maybe, in your case, something went wrong while uninstalling the previous version. In any way, the persistent file is overwritten and cannot be restored now.

The answer is 7

Lover+ and All-patrons editions need to be purchased again with the release of each new update. But if you bought version 0.3.8 and it's unavailable, contact support. They may have some issues.

The level 3 event for Ash is the initial event of the Third Act, after which level 3 events become available to other characters. It automatically starts on Saturday morning if you have completed the Level 2 event for Ash and the Major Event of the Second Act. You must also have ten or more Strength, Agility, and Endurance.

Hi, I personally don't know Spanish, so I can't translate the game to it. But someone once told me there is a fan translation, so you should look it up.

Please use English for mutual understanding. Using a translator, I can only say that hints about main and secondary events are in the phone notes.

You can play in the following events of that character and continue to gain or lose points. But getting the maximum number of them without cheats will be impossible.

If you are playing from an old save, there may have been some bug while loading the new content. To check this, you can start a new game, skip the prologue and the first week, and with the skipping text, go to Touka. I can't say for sure because I don't know what the error is. If a new game does not help, then send a screenshot of the exception to the Discord server. There is a channel with bugs. 

Requirements for Ash's Level 3 event: "You have to complete the major event of the Second Act. Also, your stats, EXCEPT for luck, must be >= 10." So, only Strength, Agility, and Endurance must be greater than 10.

The luck increases as you find clovers. There are only 2 of them, in the park and in the mall. Therefore, the maximum luck is 2. It is not used anywhere except for the mini-game on the main character's computer.

Well, that's all it takes to start a Love Level 3 event for Nami. I'm thinking of two possible problems: either the wrong version of the game, or Nami's Love level is lower than Slave's, which means you've switched to the Slave route for her.

The level 3 event for Ash is the initial event of the Third Act, after which level 3 events become available to other characters. It automatically starts on Saturday morning if you have completed the Level 2 event for Ash, the Major Event of the Second Act. You must also have ten or more Strength, Agility, and Endurance.

The girl

Thank you!

For the Love Level 3 event for Nami, you need to play version 0.3.7, complete the Level 3 event for Ash and have more than 20 coins. If all conditions are met, the event will start on Monday morning in the main character's room. 

You need to complete the major event of the Second Act, which automatically starts on Monday morning in the MC's room, or if you have already delayed it, there is a button to start the event on the MC's computer. If you play on Android, then after the major event, you need to download the version of the Third Act. The latest public version is 0.3.7. In the Third Act, you first need to complete the Level 3 event for Ash, and after that, you can do the event for Nami. You can check all additional conditions for starting these events in the phone notes.

I have updated the file. You can now download it again. There should be no error this time

Most likely, you've caught a gallery bug. To fix it, it is usually enough to create a new save and load on it. But if that doesn't work, you need to delete the "persistent" file from your save folder (you can try moving it from the folder to another location just to check if the game works).

Thank you very much! The cards in blackjack are dealt randomly each round, and there is no advantage to either the player or Amy.

(1 edit)

Go to the save menu and click “Upload Sync”. You will then receive your ID. But synchronization is only available from version 

If you want to transfer saves between the old and new versions on a PC, you don't need server synchronization. On PCs, saves are transferred automatically between versions. 

This is the event that concludes the second act. It automatically starts on Monday morning if you have completed at least a single level 2 event for the main girls. It can be delayed, and then the start button for this event will appear on the computer in the main character's room.

Become a patron of the Lover tier or higher on Patreon and find the code for your version of the game in that version's release post.

In the love route for Ash in the waifu house, Asuna appears. Mikasa appears on the slave route. These are the two available girls.

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Good idea, thank you. I'll make a shortcut to the principal's office. 

I checked, and there are no errors for me. Judging by the fact that they appear on the last image, during which the operations with the gallery are going on, then maybe you have a bug with it. The most common fix for this is to create and load a save. If that doesn't help, you can send screenshots of the errors to the Discord channel.

(1 edit)

Okay, I'll change it. But for now, you can safely complete Ash's event. It just starts the Third Act. In this event, the main character's appearance will change slightly, but the rest will not be affected. All subsequent events will require a completed Level 3 event for Ash, so you will not open the Casino without it.

That's weird. I just started a new game myself and went through Ash and Hinata's events. Everything works for me with both the slave route for Ash and the love route. Check the phone again. Maybe there are more events for Ash, or the Slave level is less than the Love level for Hinata, which would mean switching to a different route.

It means you made the wrong choices in their events. Try starting a new game and saving before each choice. If you do something wrong again, you should be able to load. Also, pay attention to the additional information in the phone notes about the event. Sometimes, it says if you need a certain amount of stats to pass or if you need to complete a secondary event. You can also use the “Skip” function in the additional menu at the bottom of the screen or with the “Ctrl” button on your PC to speed up the replay. This will allow you to skip text that you have already seen. 

There's no official Chinese translation

The difference is in the events. They are different for each path. In the slave route, the main character is dominant.

Before Mai's event, you need to level up your Strength to 5 or more. And also complete the Level 1 secondary event for Ms. Hatch. In the phone notes, you can find hints on how to start these events.

When the time comes :)

I've also seen that the slave route is often preferred. But they are pretty different, so I recommend trying both on different saves. 

Two lucks is the maximum in the game. It is not needed anywhere else except for the fighting mini-game on the main character's computer. Ash doesn't need luck. Read the hints more carefully.