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Very late to the party, I know.

I'm almost certainly not the intended audience for this game and maybe I'm particularly neurotic about it, but I really was not prepared for the horrifying mind control/death-of-personality stuff in the endings. With the generally light-hearted dialogue, the soft nature of the in-combat scenes and Qades giving explicit options to disable comparatively mild stuff like futanari or really big boobs, I figured nothing too extreme was gonna show up.

Looking through the comments here and on your main page, it seems I'm the only person to have this experience, so maybe you should just ignore me. But seeing as the neko ending already has an SFW version if R18 is disabled and I imagine you're planning to do the same for the other endings, could there maybe be a toggle to turn off just the graphic and detailed endings? Maybe Qades could warn you, at least?

I don't mean to sound all "stop liking what I don't like" but that neko ending is gonna stay with me and not in a good way.

(2 edits) (+1)

It may be the others who are unusual and desensitized, I can still remember some bizarre story about some guy being turned into a literal condom. I've still no interest in that story to this day but I can still remember the horror. I couldn't even comprehend that it was supposed to be some extreme NTR fetish.

Also, the other commenters on the jam page have played the past versions before endings were in, I believe, at least one even missed all the endings completely.

Trying to filter the content out is a bit of a problem, I can't hide is as easily as I can hide "bigger tits" or dick outside of scenes that involve penetration. The game is certainly a /d/ game even if it's not my intention for the mind fuckery to be quite as extreme as you experienced it. For now, I'll re-write Qades' lines a bit to try and make it clearer about the dangers ahead.


Yeah, I'm not expecting it'd be feasible to write alternate endings without the mind control stuff (I was pretty impressed by the non-futa rewrite of the Satyr ending - I'd expected just going into the sheep ending), since it seems like a pretty integral part of the corruption theme you're going for. If you're gonna have an SFW mode, going into that for select scenes seems more reasonable.

I think the cheapest way to let players avoid stuff that'd make them uncomfortable would be some sort of tag-based content warning system? Give scenes some tags describing what's in them and give Qades a list of the tags that the player can put on a watchlist. If an upcoming scene is tagged with something the player's asked to be warned about, have a pop-up appear at the beginning prompting the player to skip it using the existing skip ahead function, or maybe automatically switch to the SFW version of scenes that have one.

Idk, I'm just spitballing.


There's not really SFW versions of anything, SFW is pretty much the "streamer mode" that's very lazily tacked on and only might be properly worked on way down the line.

I don't like the idea of having warning messages but that is a good suggestion, I could have an "on", "off" and a "warn" option. I can't really implement warnings for certain scenes (the small in-combat ones) but I can for all the bigger scenes and it'd be pretty easy to implement when I have time for it. I assumed you might've quit after the cat-girl ending but I assume you must've played through with futa both on and off since I've done my best to hide any evidence of where the futa content is for non-futa-ers. Thanks for playing!


I actually got the cat ending as the last part of 100%ing the demo. I'd gotten the sheep and satyr endings during regular play because it took me a while to figure out how the charm effect worked and that I should usually be avoiding monsters instead of fighting. Then I found the gallery and figured I'd go see the last ending since there was just one left. It probably wouldn't be as bad since the cat girls didn't have any mind control moves, right? (WRONG

Then to recover from that I played around with the NSFW settings and the gallery for a bit to see how that worked, which is how I noticed the alternate Satyr ending version.

I guess I should mention some of the other thoughts I had while playing:

-Gameplay-wise, the idea of a turn-based platformer works way better than I thought it would. The way the different movement types available to you play into the combat gives you some super cool options.

-The tutorial is pretty long, which makes sense since it's a very unusual control method, but maybe break it up over the first few missions instead of having it all at once? 

-I used cards/abilities very sparingly since I couldn't really figure out how and when they recovered.

-I found enemies to be really unpredictable and the range of their attacks hard to understand. Maybe show a tooltip explaining more thoroughly what an enemy did last turn when you hover over them? Do they also use a card-based ability system? Maybe a bestiary containing explanations of their various attacks would be useful (and if you add the scenes you've seen with that enemy type, it might be easier to navigate than the current gallery once you get more enemies implemented).

-I'm very impressed with how much the NPCs react to the character's state during dialogue. That must've been a ton of work. 

-I'm not entirely sure, but I think despite what Qades says, the satyrs stop spawning entirely when futa is turned off. At least they seemed to be missing when I played through the final mission with all the NSFW options turned off (I wanted to see how you'd drive off the sheep girls without getting a charm ability of your own).

-Speaking of that mission, I feel like there's a flag that doesn't reset right when you replay it because sometimes the sheep girls in the shrine aren't there without you needing to get them to leave first.

-It seems kinda silly that all combat scenes are treated equally when in SFW mode. Letting stuff like the sheep's kiss still show up in Streamer mode would be another good use of a tag system.

-When talking to NPCs, the text boxes and menu can cover up a lot of the character sprite. I didn't even notice the Satyr wasn't just a sheep recolor before I lost to one.

-Similarly, during the cat ending I noticed the text box covering up a lot of the art while simultaneously having a lot of empty space at the top of the screen. Do you have a text box placeholder that you use while drawing the scenes?

  • The tutorial used to be longer but I've been gradually making it shorter and more condensed. Actually, in the game's files, the cat-girl mission and the Qades mission are still named as tutorial levels. Even "A Long Walk" / 0-3 is sort of a tutorial mission leading up to the world map I'll be adding. I've always got something I need to improve with the tutorial (especially when I first showed the game to the public, a lot of people got filtered on it)
  • The skills/cards are still a bit ambiguous and I'll be trying to clarify them better in the future. Just haven't found a good way to represent it yet, I did add the "you've returned to base so now you've reset to your base skills" sound/animation. I could add a separate effect that shows when you "reload" items...
  • While the enemies do have details that show you the attack they've just done I can agree it's not very clear, I made the system a long time ago and haven't really updated it. It's another low-priority thing that I'd like to update eventually. I hope giving players access to enemy abilities helps but yes, enemies have infinite uses of abilities, they just have specific conditions under which they can use them.
  • Other games with player transformations/states like CoC are large and expansive but they rarely have a lot of interactions with the player's state. In the future I'd like to have more serious consequences and paths or even a bit of drama from the player's transformation but it is a lot of work, hence why many games can't afford to do it.
  • I did check, Satyrs still spawn with futa off. They only show in the tier 2 areas (yes, another thing that needs explaining) and even then not always.
  • I did think about allowing scenes like the kiss scene for SFW after viewing Webcough's video, but... Yeah, I got a bit lazy. I'll see what I do with the SFW mode in the future.
  • The textbox/ui is a problem I'm aware of. In the past I must've underestimated the size of the textbox / the textbox used to be much more transparent. I do have a reference for the textbox's size now. I could find a way to have the Satyrs stand a bit higher when you hover over them but another thing I need to do is add a "hide the UI" button for mobile, right now you can only do it on PC with middle-click.

You're right that the flag in 0-3 doesn't get reset, I've gone and had it properly reset now. The other stuff I'll put on my to-do list.