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Visuals and audio are great. The story is good, although I feel like there's a slight dissonance. A nuclear apocalypse happens suddenly, but the fish slowly increase in creepiness. Perhaps the apocalypse could have been an eldritch horror or something more insidious to match the pace of the game. The gameplay is well implemented, I would suggest two things: less spinning and some sort of progress meter of how close you are to catching the fish.  Really good stuff all in all, thank you for your feedback video!


A progress meter sounds great! Thanks for the feedback :D

Also after thinking about it, the eldritch horror idea would've been so much cooler if we thought of it earlier and implemented it hahah, it's a great idea

thanks for your feedback :D

yea, the story was born on the fly: we had the core idea of how it would start and end (basically "you fish and the world is ending as you progress"

looking back, I think it would've been a better idea to make it all normal fishes, until the big boom, at least it would've been funny and unexpected hah

but overall I'm pretty happy how it turned out :D