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It’s a shame all the creatures go by so quickly! The atmosphere was outstanding.

The idea is very effective for such a simple gesture (though the description confused me a bit… did you mean LMB instead of RMB or am I the one getting left and right mixed-up again?) – even so, it did not grab me completely. Maybe a more full version could fix that with a gradual ramp-up in speed.

It’s probably a bit childish of me to point out that if you need to explain your connection to the theme, you might not have adhered to said theme that well – but I will do it anyway.

Lastly, since you asked for my scores, in my two play-throughs I got 270 and 347 creatures saved respectively. It didn’t feel like that many even passed by!


Haha I did in fact mean LMB, I'll update that right now.  Thank you for pointing that out and your comment as well.  

Thank you for the compliments regarding the atmosphere. I will  have some additional credits posted regarding some of the assets.

Your point about explaining the theme is valid. Originally it was a portal on the ground that the creatures would fall into.  By the end, it became more of a door that they fell/went through and as to stay in the time limit, I left it as a door. 

As for the creatures saved, that many didn't pass through, you're correct!  Each creature has different values for when they escape the light (for example the short Plant Monster has a value of 4-6.  I wanted to have some randomness in the game to add flavor - I was wanting them to represent creature families (one creature reps X number of creatures).

Congratulations on helping the critters!

Very astute observations, I appreciate you taking the time to write all of this!