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I like the idea and the setting. This has a lot of potential.

The blaster-shooting robots were a bit annoying. I initially assumed that I could block the blaster shots using the sword, but that didn't seem to do anything.

One thing that seems a bit inconsistent is the health bar. I would occasionally finish a bunch of enemies and then die all of a sudden. Almost as if taking damage was lagging behind.

Thanks for your feedback and thank you for playing!

Yeah we thought about making the sword block the bolts but we couldn't figure out a way to make it feel satisfying in the time we had with the recourses we had so right now if you block (I think) it does a 75% damage decrease. When we update it that will 100% be something we look into

I encountered this bug when we were about to upload but we were already over on time so we didn't have time to fix it. You're kinda right but what happens is the enemy's don't stop attacking once they ragdoll. They basically turn invisible while their bodies ragdoll, a timer will run and when it runs out the enemy despawns. 
