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A member registered Mar 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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This has one of the more complex fishing mechanics, which is good. Unfortunately I share the frustration that others have pointed out. Maybe if the "cursor" was a bit more reactive (or interpolate faster) it would've been easier to catch.

Loved the engine sound, though it took me a while to realize how you probably did those. =)

Fun take. As others have said a bit of ambient sound, music and sound effects would've made this a bit more enjoyable.

One thing that threw me off is that the "Play" button was not the top-most button and was instead where you'd usually find the "Quit" button.

Very original take on the theme. Reminded me of the eagle flight/hunting system in Assassin's Creed Origins. The controls were a bit frustrating, but with a bit more polish and additional things to do I can imagine this being an interesting game to play with friends in multiplayer.

Really well done. Very good mechanic. I also liked the UI animations, which aren't something I've seen in any other submission (yet).

One thing to improve, in my opinion, would be to have some enforced sort of idle period after a catch/snap. Especially for some of the more difficult fish I would occasionally end up casting to some random spot because I was wildly clicking to reel in. Simply blocking input for a something like a second or two, perhaps in conjunction with some UI feedback about the catch would solve that issue.

The assets for this are quite detailed, so it's nice to look at. The buoyancy makes for good immersion. However, I think the animation could've been a bit better. There was a lot of foot sliding when the character was running around and sometimes the camera shakes were excessive, which impacted the immersion negatively.

From a fishing mechanics point of view this was pretty interesting, making it a bit more challenging than many of the other submissions.

One thing that strikes me as odd with this submission is that it's a 3.4 GiB download, which seems a bit excessive even if the models are fairly high-fidelity. I suspect this includes pretty much everything you have in the project and you could shave a lot off of this by properly configuring how this is packaged.

I can imagine the task that this must've been being your first game. I particularly like that you made these assets yourself (well, I'm assuming you did). There's rough edges to this, but it's definitely a good start, so keep at it. One thing I like to do is leaving these small early projects alone for a while and then go back after some time to improve them based on the new things I've learned in the meantime. It's always good to keep a copy of the earlier versions around for before/after comparisons and such. Can be quite motivating to clearly see the progress you've made.

Funny thing happened to me with this entry: originally I was put off by the fact that there were no fish and no feedback for catching a fish, but then I went to the shop, sold all the fish and got a couple of upgrade and that allowed me to get more fish faster and upgrade more and all of a sudden I was hooked. I was a bit sad that I reached the maximum pretty quickly.

I guess it shows that you can have a game with rough edges that's still fun if the game loop is satisfying enough. So good job in that regard. If you add a bit of polish and more money sinks I think this could be quite enjoyable for a little while.

Getting the fish to the catcher didn't always work for me, so I was never able to get all the fish hence I don't know if there's an end condition of some sort. Fun concept, though, but could use a bit more polish and juice like sounds or background music/ambience.

Very well done. The music really helps build the tension. Sound effects and voice over are really nice. I also like the logo/splash screen a lot (though it did stretch weirdly and looked very pixelated on my screen).

From a UX point of view I think it would've been nice if looking around was controlled using the mouse (or it could be a configurable option in a more polished version).

Maybe another thing to add for increased difficulty/chaos would be fish that aren't as deterministic as the ones in this version. Although I must admit the current behavior really drives home that feeling of inevitability you get from movies like "Jaws".

This is quite polished, with a lot of attention on the UI and tutorial. Nicely done with a bunch of systems working nicely together. Maybe one thing to improve would be to make the player character able to withstand some amount of contact with water. I tried walking into the lake and died immediately. =)

I don't really understand what the sound is supposed to tell me whenever I get close to a fishing zone. It seems like it's signaling I'm in the right place, but it sounds more like a warning sound telling me to stay away.

Pretty and cozy game that could do with some more polish and juice. Contrary to what many other people are saying I really liked the boat control, had a really natural feeling to it.

I really liked the visual style and the cel-shaded look, though the UI and on-screen widget didn't mix well with it. Overall, well done.

This reminded me of the good old days, the kind of game and graphics you'd see on a Gameboy. Kudos for making something as fun as this with those limited means.

Not a lot of variation in the fishing, but the narration had me hooked, so I stuck to it until the end. Well done.

One minor issue I ran into, and maybe it was done on purpose, but it felt a bit strange that you could still cast the rod and reel in after the ending screen.

This does a great job of setting the mood. I was able to catch some fish using the instructions below, but it didn't feel like there was any purpose to it. Maybe the environment was setting the wrong expectations.

Overall, though, this was very well done and pretty.

This is really fun to play and is really polished. I like how the little planet can be explored to find interesting furniture or information sources.

I think the music doesn't loop since it stopped for me after a while, which was a bit sad because I thought it was really relaxing.

Overall, great entry!

I kept running out of net after casting once or twice, never catching enough fish to buy more. Not sure if I was just casting in the wrong places and never got lucky, or if I didn't understand how to properly catch fish.

I did have a lot of fun just cruising around and exploring, though.

I had some trouble buying the fishing rod from Warren until I realized I actually had to increment the number of rods I wanted. Other than that quite enjoyable, although the inverted Y axis for the mouse was unusual. I guess some people might prefer it, but I haven't seen that in a long time in 3rd person games. Maybe make it a configurable option?

One thing I noticed was that I couldn't install this through the app, probably because the ZIP file wasn't marked as "Windows" compatible.

Nice gameplay loop with the hunting, selling, upgrading. Could probably be extended with more content to make it a bit more long-lived, but quite good for a game jam entry. The voice acting was a nice touch.

Maybe something to add would be an incentive to explore more. I see that others found interesting places that I didn't think existed. You can get by with just hunting around the shore right in front of the shop.

Took me a bit of time to get used to the harpooning mechanic, but after that it was pretty nice. The vendor UI was a bit rough and it took me a long time to find the "Resume" button the first time. I think there was also a bug when I tried to buy the last harpoon update where it stopped updating the UI (said I couldn't afford an update when I still had over 1000 coins).

Lots of interesting things to do in this game, though it's not really about fishing. But I'm a sucker for exploration games, so I spent quite a bit of time just swimming, wandering and mantling about. Nice foundation to build this into something more elaborate.

Perhaps my biggest complaint is that this came as a RAR file and hence the app can't install this, so I need to do so manually. The archive also doesn't contain the Visual Studio runtime, so I have to go find this manually and install it if I don't have it installed already (like if I want to run this in a sandbox, for example). Unreal Editor has a checkbox that lets you easily include the redistributable files in the packaged build, so make sure to always do that.

(1 edit)

It felt very silly creating this, but lots of fun. I'm glad people enjoy it for what it is.

Making people laugh was my primary intention, so I'm glad it worked. There's another little surprise in the game that I don't think anyone has discovered yet. You'd need to be a little patient, though.

Thanks for sharing this!

Yeah, I completely forgot to hook up the mute buttons. The audio settings were done quite last-minute because I couldn't quite decide how to balance music vs. sound effects vs. voice and I thought it might not be as bad if people had a way to adjust to their preference. Learned that people actually use settings, so next time I'll spend a bit more time on polishing those.

Thanks for playing!

So simple and yet so fun. The first time it turned night gave me goose bumps.

Very well done!

This is very well done (nice cozy setting, cool visual effects, relaxing music) and a lot of fun to play. The one thing I struggled with was during the tutorial and finding where to go. There's a lot of running around and the arrow marker isn't always visible from where you are, so maybe you could add more visual cues where you need to go during the tutorial.

You clearly spent a lot of effort on this and there's a good foundation to develop further. The fishing mechanic wasn't quite clear to me and I didn't get any fish to bite. That said, I've tried fishing in real life and wasn't a whole lot more successful, so maybe it's just a lack of talent on my side. =)

That said, this does feel a bit overscoped for a game jam. I think it could've been better with slightly smaller scope but a bit more polish.

Controls are a bit unintuitive and casting the line always led to some glitch that took a while to get unstuck. It could also have been me not understanding how to do it properly.

That said, this has a nice vibe to it and I like how your only option is to release the fish after you've caught it =)

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for the kind review.

Point taken. I was indeed struggling to select a genre for this when submitting and you're right, it's a bit of a stretch to call this a game. I was going more for an interactive mini-story type of thing.

Thanks for taking the time to review, gameplay is definitely something I need to focus on more.

Sorry about the bad performance. You're right, I should've spent some time testing on other hardware or expose scalability settings somehow. I'm not sure about the rules, but I could upload an updated version later on if it's something you're still interested in.

That said, the aiming is pretty wonky anyway, so even with higher FPS it's probably not much easier. =)

I like the idea and the setting. This has a lot of potential.

The blaster-shooting robots were a bit annoying. I initially assumed that I could block the blaster shots using the sword, but that didn't seem to do anything.

One thing that seems a bit inconsistent is the health bar. I would occasionally finish a bunch of enemies and then die all of a sudden. Almost as if taking damage was lagging behind.

Hehe... the intro movie gave me a few good laughs. =) Very nice work. Could perhaps use a bit of background music and a few more superpowers, but overall great entry. Looks quite polished as well. I appreciate the option of gamepad input.

Very nice. It took me a long time to find the broom during the first mission. The second mission is a bit challenging: I've been trying for about half an hour to finish the second mission but was never able to deliver the papers.

Looks pretty nice overall. I was running into the same problem as Skye, though. Couldn't spend the coins to get more laser colors, which makes it difficult to impossible to progress. It'd also be nice, at least at the very start, if spawning monsters were only of the color(s) that you can defeat. I usually end up having to run away from monsters that I can't kill. Maybe switching colors by scrolling the mouse wheel would be slightly better than the radial menu. I also didn't see any visual indication of the currently selected laser color.

Monsters seem to attack only once (which leads to a funny exploit where you become invincible if you let yourself get attacked by four monsters, after which they create an impenetrable shield around you).

One more thing that threw me off a bit is that the aiming wasn't very intuitive. I can't quite express what it is, though. It seems to always hit where the crosshair aims, but there's something about the camera angle needed to aim at a certain position that seems odd.

I think this has a lot of potential. It looks like you've put a lot of effort into building a world, and I was looking forward to a boss battle with that kraken in the background but sadly couldn't make it that far. With a bit more work I think this could be a very entertaining game.

I really like this one. Very minimalistic but fun and challenging. Nice soundtrack, too. Some of the moves are a bit finicky to get right (for example, I was expecting jumping while wall running to launch me into the direction opposite the wall, but instead I have to use A and D to steer in mid-air). The speed boost doesn't seem to work for me (or perhaps I'm getting the timing right). Gamepad support might be nice.

I also liked the intro sequence, though it was a bit dark and hard to see anything.

Overall great work, though. I plan to play this some more and I look forward to any future work on this if you're planning to develop this further.

Judging by the screenshots this looks interesting and I was curious to explore the environment, but similar to AntiCebo, I wasn't able to make it past the first obstacle. Trying to cross that first hanging bridge was also challenging, there's weird glitches where the character starts to fall down and becomes uncontrollable when walking on that bridge.