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Good art style and concept! But the print string texts and visible sphere trace when enemies attack you is very distracting; these are good for developing and debugging, but shouldn't be in the final game. I personally feel the enemies take too many shots to kill. The game could definitely use more animations and particle effects, and make sure you set background music to "looping" because it just stops after a while. You have a good foundation here, would love to see you improve upon it in the future!

Thank you!

Yeah, we didn't have time to take the debug stuff out. Will definitely reupload later with them taken out as they should be

The different Laser Colours are supposed to increase your damage output, but that broke at the last minute (along with a lot else) and just change your Laser colour

The Animation Blueprint broke on the Tentacles at the last minute as well so they're just Anim Assets poked in. Will try and fix that for reupload too

And I absolutely will change the music settings, it was downloaded from freesounds at the last minute and just dragged and dropped into the level haha

Thank you for playing! 👍