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Sorry for the late reply! I couldn't figure out how to get back to this page ^^;
bugs have been fixed in the latest update!

there are plans to add actual numbers! It's just that it would have taken me ages to do in the original release and I very much did not have time uwu

As for the status effects: I didn't want to bog down the battles with explanations for what every status does the first time you encounter it, so putting it in a "book" of effects ala inscryption seemed more fitting. The Dread Knight is less sarcastic though when explaining other status effects uwu

For the corruption mechanics though, the main point of interest is supposed to be the Witch's pregnancy progression, which you only get via victories or a certain Curio (? event). The Dread Knight specifically is just meant to be eye candy to keep the player interested. As for the player in the cabin, I mostly just wanted to have preg content regardless of victory or loss, but you get *more* through victory ^^