I absolutely love the art and story here. I have a ton of thoughts, so I'll just write them out point form:
- Love the transition
- The cutscene implementation is no small feat. Bravo!
- Nice camera!
- The music fits really well, and I like the choice to have it slowly fade in/out
- The text transition speed has already been mentioned, but I think most of the controls are missing immediate feedback. It makes the game feel a little sluggish
- In the title screen, I'd cut the time the egg takes to fade to just a few frames.
- For the textboxes, maybe have an indicator that the text is done (e.g., an arrow), and make the indicator disappear the moment an input is detected.
- I'd also cut the textbox fade in half at least.
- The landing particles are awesome, but underutilized. I would have at least some indicator every time the player lands so there's no confusion of where the ground is.
- There should be some visual feedback that the player is preparing to jump while falling. It'd be nice to have a sprite specifically for that
- Arrow key controls are essential
- The text sounds only played in one cutscene for me, but they were great! I'd love to hear them everywhere
- The character art and controls are great! I never would have thought of "fox on boingy egg" in a million years
Overall, amazing job! It's not often that you see a game jam platformer with so many features and as much charm as this!