hey first time commenting on anything, really good worldbuilding. I'd love to see what else you come up with next! This sort of set up and story so far is a breath of fresh air. A few ideas: (obviously if its already planned, ignore me)
1. Before each chapter/mission if we could see a dossier or a briefing scene about the girl we're looking for, ie. her basic personality, maybe special skills, anything the academy would be willing to share really. That could even be implemented in the intro before we're thrusted into the world.
2. Maybe add a dormitory feature, where if you're close enough to a character you'll be able to spend the night/spend some time with them, whether thats on the ship or in the guild.
3. I also really enjoyed your use of the text box being displayed where it was, and the mass effect style of choice selection (maybe more than two choices in the future?) it was cool to see something besides the general VN at the bottom of the screen text.