Thanks! Wonderful comment, I really like how you're thinking.
For the first point, there's always a balance between letting this information kind of organically come through via the narrative, and making sure that the reader has all of the information that they need. It's possible I've got to work on that, I could believe that. I've been wondering if I should add in some kind of codex feature, or something like that, incase the reader feels like, "I've forgotten who this character is," or "I can't remember why we're on this planet," etc.
The first chapter is intentionally a little mysterious -- it's like the main character is supposed to be showing us who they are by what they do and how they speak, as opposed to me just telling the reader that stuff. That is, I want the reader to come to the realization "oh, they can do this and that, therefore they are *this* kind of person."
I like the dormitory idea as well; I think something like this could be a good reward at higher levels of "rapport". There are some games you can set character as an "alarm-clock" or sneaking into bedrooms at night, etc. I feel like this kind of thing would feel like good rewards, and motivate players to get deeper down in the Build Rapport/Pittance Game tree. It seems like the kind of silly devious things guilders might do. Though it does, I admit, feel a tiny bit lonely for the PC to just be sleeping alone most nights.