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(4 edits) (+1)

I'm a huge sucker for atmospheric games and a fantasy-writer myself so I'm probably going to bend over backwards for this game due to cognitive bias

. . . but, I suppose I have to critique this game fairly just to be a good sport. So, time to bring out the sandwich!

- Jumping in this game is very wonky. There's way too much momentum behind it, causing you to unintentionally miss a platform you planned landing on due to the physics. In platformers, you want the jumps to be as precise as humanely possible or the game's whole purpose will go down the sink. Couple of times I felt like just quitting the game as is . . .
+ . . . but this game's rich theme (and my unyielding neurosis) kept me going! This game is ooooozing with character. I love the intro-narration, I love the music in the background. The art, the everything! As a narrative writer, I humbly thank you for this flavourful experience! ^_^

- Although the music can get repetitive after a while, especially because it is pretty one-note, no matter how beautiful. Especially when you already are ticked off by the trickiness of the platforming, which unintentionally turns this game into a rhythm-game of sorts

+ The mechanic behind the light influencing the tangibility of the platforms is simple, yet brilliant!

- Speaking of lighting . . . in the section with the lightning-bolt illuminating a row of platforms, that lighting goes by a tad bit too quick. The lightning should either flash a bit longer, or the light should linger around a bit longer after the flash

- Ironically enough when I complained about the distance of jumping earlier, some sections would have benefited from a smidgen more jump-height instead

+ What softens the blow for the platforming though is the checkpoint system, that is much appreciated!

- Sorry to end this review on a minus, but although getting though this game felt satisfying when you finally learn and get accustomed to the jumps, the ending itself is a bit anticlimatic . . .

+ . . . throughout this game I held my breath and my intrigue was fully captivated as I waited to see what was the reason for the main character's journey and/or the punchline/explanation behind the lights . . .

- only to be left kinda flaccid. Not sure if this game was intended to have any bigger meaning behind it . . .

+ / - . . . but this game's atmosphere sold me on the expectation that there would have been

Suggestions if you ever decide to turn this into a full game:
* An actual ending. Either calming, relaxing music at the end of the game to cleanse the pallet and feeling like a reward for the tricky platforming

* There should be some kind of a meter or a bar showcasing how much more of the stage there is left to travel

* More tracks (2-3, preferably 3) that randomly alter between one another


Hey, thanks for playing and thank you so much for the in-depth feedback, I really appreciate it! I've heard similar from a couple friends on the jumping - this being my first platformer I think I blundered a bit in its implementation, I will definitely be cleaning up the aerial movement once the jam is over!

In regards to the ending, I did originally plan to have something more but unfortunately ran out of time to implement it, sorry to leave you hanging there.

Thank you again for playing, and I'm very glad to hear the mood/thematic came across very strong!


Hey, live and learn ~ "Each day I grow some more" and all that good butter-beans ^_^ For what you were able to accomplish in mere five days, well done! This looks like an actual short little Steam game one could buy. The quality is there! After the few tune-ups and hotfixes, of course ~