I will give the negative aspecst first, as to not sour the positives
Although a map would probably ruin the feeling of this game, after you have collected enough materials to repair your ship, there should be an indicator showing which way to thread back to your ship. Unless there is one which I've missed. And finding the materials can be a bit difficult, so as a suggestion hypothetically-speaking: this game should have a radar-function with a high cooldown or something similar. Also, no pause-menu and pressing the escape-key shuts off the game, which deterred me from wanting to play this game any further due to lost progress . . . Also, there should be a dedicated instructions-screen. Just in case!
This game is selling me the Metroid-vibe. Everything from the eerie music right down to you not being able to attack the enemies sets the mood of isolation, this game radiates with atmosphere! I also love how this game appears to have a day and night cycle. Also, I really love how this game looks!