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Appreciate the in-depth response. Shows you're really open to feedback and just generally thinking reflectively about this game and your experience making it; both good traits to have! 

Time constraints are always the thing with these, aren't they? Totally understandable that time (alongside just general changes to the game as work on it progressed) would be at play with the things I had feedback on. I know my game changed massively from what I thought it was going to be when I started working (and, to be totally honest, probably suffered as a result, haha.).

And I'm glad you were able to just have fun with this! It does come across in the finished game, and I think for the better. There's a place for seriousness and a place for having some fun, and I probably have the opposite problem of you; I just want it all to be ridiculous fun. Hopefully, you can work out a way to keep working on this! I agree, the potential is there!

(1 edit) (+1)

My neurosis allows me no less than deep dives in any topic I address ~ My motto: "If 'tis worth doing, 'tis worth doing right!". I'm open to good feedback, and in general want to better myself, grow and evolve my capacity and capabilities even beyond how much I already know (C'mon, allow man some humble brag for once, world!). Time-constraints aside, if we would have had more time, and I would have had more brain-activity in my infinite wisdom (some self-deprecation to balance out the earlier bragging. Everything is now at equilibrium, "as all things should be" ~), I would have instructed more drastic changes and/or outright cutting out some unfinished content so that it doesn't feel terribly out of place. But alas, I'm blind to my ambitions. My ambitions drive me towards my great ideas, but they also cause me to lose sight of concreteness sometimes

Once again, thank you for your kind words! Cheeeers ~🎉