Really fun and a cool game overall! I love the concept: a puzzle game where you progress by rewinding time. Here are my articulated thoughts:
- The movement is kind of janky and robotic. Is the character moving inside an invisible grid? Because that's how it makes me feel, that the character's movement is grid-based, instead of freeform
- Some of the hitboxes are kind of janky. For example getting into the left room with the third lever/switch feels awkward. Sidenote: Possible bug. For some reason going to the left room in the same place slows down the character to a snail's crawl
- The way the enemy-sprites behave and function would need to be overhauled. I mean how they walk. All of them should be displayed topdown and front, not sideways even if they would be moving sideways. Because that looks unfitting
- The running-enemy that's blocking the path to the second lever/switch goes by a bit too fast
- As far as I'm concerned, the attack button does nothing. Unless I'm missing something or didn't play far enough
+ This game has some beautiful sprites!
+ Again, amazing concept!
+ I love this vapourwave-feeling this game goes for, down to the very music!
+ This game is very unique in this Jam