Hello sweetchiel!
(I am unsure how to get a hold of you personally so am writing this here, hopefully that is okay? 🙏)
I noticed that there was someone using the intro music soundtrack (which I love by the way,) while looking up to see what it was called, (It has been a while.)
I wondered if they had permission to use the music as their own, or if sweetchiel knew they had it? (Or, could it be- that they were/are part of the group creating it? O.O) Anyway, I found them both in Amazon music and YouTube, and looks fairly recent.
I am unsure if they had uploaded it to tick tock yet since I didn't bother to check (I do not have tick tock,) though it looks like like they, themselves, do have tick tock.
Hopefully this is just a false alarm, and they are not actually planning on getting money for the music. (A thought that came to me, could get more exposure?)
Though I am unsure, it is curious to see they did not credit anyone. Which I was surprised on, and otherwise I would have left alone if they had,.....BUTTT, they did not =\
Either way, I wanted to let sweetchiel know in case anything happens, (since I noticed that there was no mention of the creditors) and credited as their own with just a few added beats =/ if that makes sense? One cannot be too cautious.
Name: cj icyy
Brand: blooket freestyle beat.
Places: YouTube, Amazon music
Thanks for creating, and Happy summer break!
- D
Ps. I'm still waiting for that update on the phone x.x no pressure lmao just really giddy since I got the notice!