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(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Damn, the first game was so good. Too bad I'm poor and can't get this game, in the middle of moving atm and can't expend my money really. Really excited to see what the future for this series becomes though, good work!

No worries, I know how it is. But thanks! Drop a bookmark and come back when you can.

(1 edit) (+2)

Absolutely. I will keep it bookmarked until I have enough to buy the game. I also apologize if my English isn't the best, it's not my native language and I'm still learning,

No worries. Probably cliche to say, but I never would have guessed; you write better than a lot of native English speakers online :D.


It's a mix of me typing it out and consulting google translate from time to time. Thanks though!

Bought a gift copy for ya. Need an email to send it to.

(1 edit)

Sorry I didn't respond! I'll send it to you. Any socials I can message you on?

Hmmm, don't think so. I'd just use a burner email to get it.

Sure thing. I've made one,