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Since you're working with RPG Maker MV, could you possibly provide a Linux export too? Since nerds can get horny too :p

Unfortunately not. In THEORY MV is multi-platform, since it's just js running in a web browser. Just hit the button and you've got it exported to Windows, Linux, or even mobile! In reality, a lot of things break that very fast. I'm using a number of plugins that won't work on mobile at all, and several others I suspect won't play nice with non-windows settings, so I don't currently support any of that.

If you want to mess with it of course, you're welcome to. The "real" game is the index.html file in the www folder; the exe is just the browser than runs it. It won't load on say Chrome by default, but it WILL run once you tweak some security settings for local pages. In my experience the performance while running this way is poor, and any number of bugs may crop up, but if you want to mess with it, you're certainly welcome to. 

That said, if you DON'T want to pay $10 just to tinker, I entirely understand. Officially though, this is Windows only, not by neglect but by necessity.


The Linux Itch desktop client will transparently run this game (and other Windows games) in Wine if you install and play it through there.  I also use Linux, and while not all Windows games successfully run this way, this game works just fine on my end.

Interesting to hear, and people are certainly welcome to experiment. Just want to be clear that it's unsupported officially, and has the potential to be unreliable: may work one version, and then not on another when a plugin is added or some other change is made.


I was just getting my distro setup and will note that if you own RPG Maker MV you can also import the project and run it natively in Linux. I haven't tested everything, I'm curious if the data crystal will work, for example.  So use at your own risk and so on.

Yeah, as I've said a lot of it should run just fine, as it's just javascript in a browser. But it DEFINITELY won't work on mobile (some of the plugins I use explicitly say so), and a variety of things may be wacky on Linux, to one degree or another, especially the io I do to read and write a few files on my own (for the data crystal, and soon for the gallery). It's fine if people want to try, just know there won't be any bug testing on, or fixes for that platform. Like using Windows 7 in 2024, it's entirely possible for a variety of cases, but unsupported.