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I can already predict this is going to be like Grove, in the sense that the artist is going to slowly get better and better and CH 1-2 is gonna start to have an outdated look compared to new chapters.

I feel a bit of improved artistry on the new illustrations.

I hope game dev is not soul crushing to you Bitshift, you're really good at it and I'm glad you're going for the long haul, planning 5 chapters.

The content right now was worth the price, so I'm really glad to know there's going to be updates to it, because It just feels like a deal that keeps on getting better.

Oh definitely not soul-crushing :D. It has its stresses, and new stresses now that this one is taking off, but those are good problems to have.

Also I JUST realized itch notifications don't go to the page a comment is on when there are multiple so wow, I have some catching up to do.