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(1 edit)

Day 11 - I had to work, bummer

Day 12 -  I got some traction on several functions. Just a few more minor tweaks and the game is finished. Well, mechanically it is sound, but  I only have two levels. Now I need to bust a move and get the other 18 done. by the cutoff. :) When you fail solving a puzzle, I thought about having a scary monster animation jump out at you, but that might be over the top for some, and make it NC-17 rated if it was very disturbing. So I oped for the dramatic surprise. You get the classic Dun Dun Dunnn music and the famous chipmunk stare on a splash page that startles you, but also makes you laugh. Here is an example. 

Here are several random screen shots from level 2.  It is done now. Level 3 is on its way.