Hi all, just posting some day 1 thoughts about a game based on the scripture Joel 2:7 "They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:". This scripture is about the end times and explains some bad things which are going to happen then. One interpretation involves an army of locust. I am going to be a bit edgy this year and try to make a scary game. No NC17 rating, but suspenseful. I am calling this one Radiant > Evil, after the game Resident Evil. It is not going to be a clone of that game exactly, but similar having a foreboding plot. At the beginning, you will find yourself in total darkness, and have to find your way out to the light. Light will be a common theme in the game. That is where the word "Radiant" comes from. I also added the > symbol in the title. Light is greater (or better) than Evil, meaning to seek the light of Christ. The game will play some scary music, with locust and other bad things jumping out at you around corners or falling on you from above. You will defeat these monsters with light, maybe a light saber, or something like that., if I can get the mechanics down. A few puzzles will also need to be solved along the way to progress in the game. It will be a first person shooter, and puzzle game. You will follow clues based on light references, and be presented with more scripture of the rapture, devil, light, etc. These will be at progress markers and save points. I will try to map out a more detailed game design document and post it here with my progress. Now I have to sleep on it, and let the Lord lead where I take this.