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Thank you very much for playing and reviewing this game. I can see you spent a lot of time on it. It is really very helpful to get honest feedback like this to help us improve going forward. You are doing a great service for our community. I wish more people had stepped up and tried. The dev Christian community is very small. We need more people like yourself to be leaders and motivate us. I did review each game, but did not give any feedback. For that, I feel ashamed that I did just like the others. Having said that, I think your AI game has some great potential. It reminded me of Red Alert and Command and Conquer style games where you send soldiers out to battle, and they follow specific rules an NPCs to battle each other. You win by building smarter than your opponent. AI is not easy to code. You did a great job of it in a short time. It took me some time to figure out how to play, but once you catch on, it plays well. I gave you high marks of originality. I think you are the clear winner in that category for sure, if not best overall. I wish I had more time to spend on mine. I only got a few hours here and there after long days at work. I am thinking about possibly expanding this game to a new title, and better puzzles. They key to making them fun is finding that sweet spot where it is not too hard, or easy, not too long or short. You gave me some great ideas on that. Thanks for being the best reviewer.

Thanks for trying it. This is a standard Unreal Engine game. It might need some power since it is 3D. I use XSplit Broadcaster to make the video above. When I use OBS it slowed down my PC to a crawl. The first level is kind of hard at first. It uses standard WASD keys for movement, and mouse for rotation. The clue for the first level is to find the light saber. Then you can see things better. It is in the corner opposite of the door.

Day 17 - All done! I have compiled the game for PC and Mac and published it ion itch.io. Thanks for another fun competition.

Day 16 - I have almost completed level 5 now. This will be my final level for the game demo. I plan to finish lit tomorrow and tweak a few things to polish it up for packaging, and distribution. That gives me a day to publish it and fix any bugs or other things I find that need to be added or modified. Here is a screen shot of level 5. 

Sorry to hear about your mom Irma. Prayers going out for a quick recovery.

Day 15 - I completed level 3 and almost 4 too. I just have a few more loose ends to tie up. Then it is on to level 5. That is my goal for the contest as a minimum now. Here is a screen shot of level 4 for review. 

Day 14 - I am almost done with level 3 now.  Hopefully, I will finish it up tomorrow and get level 4 done too. Here is an example screen shot.

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Day 13 - Well I got a few hours after church today to test the game, tweak a few things so it works on a Mac and PC, fix a few bugs, and mechanic problems. I think the framework is solid now to move forward with more levels. I started on level three, and hope to publish the game with at least five levels by the end of the week. Here is a quick screen capture demo of what the first two levels look like.

I forgot to add the ending game splash page. It is just some stock CC0 image, with the contest scripture.

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Day 11 - I had to work, bummer

Day 12 -  I got some traction on several functions. Just a few more minor tweaks and the game is finished. Well, mechanically it is sound, but  I only have two levels. Now I need to bust a move and get the other 18 done. by the cutoff. :) When you fail solving a puzzle, I thought about having a scary monster animation jump out at you, but that might be over the top for some, and make it NC-17 rated if it was very disturbing. So I oped for the dramatic surprise. You get the classic Dun Dun Dunnn music and the famous chipmunk stare on a splash page that startles you, but also makes you laugh. Here is an example. 

Here are several random screen shots from level 2.  It is done now. Level 3 is on its way.

Good idea. Resident Evil 7 used the VIL to make VII or seven in roman numerals.  A puzzle to solve in their name. Along that line, i did the same thing with just the I for 1.

Yes you can imagine you are  a Jedi playing the game.  The light saber is really more like a wand for now. It shoots balls of light out of the tip.

Day 10 - I got the splash screen image created now. I used the same gothic font from Resident Evil 2 and 7. Here is what it looks like. BioShock was always clever and added the version number to the logo too, so I did the same thing. The light saber represents version 1. 

Level 1 is finished. I have started on the second level now. I will post some pictures once I get it somewhat looking polished. I still have a few game mechanics to finish, and will try to do that in between level building. I had said I would do 20 levels, some with different game mechanics. I am not sure how many I will be able to finish on time. If I get 5 or more, I will be happy with the game.

You are probably correct. I thought I had more spare time to give on this project, but some emergency work came up, and I have been battling that. I have only been able to give a few hours per day since I started. Hopefully this should ease up in a few days, then I can put more effort into it. I might only get five done at the rate I am going now. :) We will see how far I get. 

Day 5 - Had to work.

Day 6 - Had to work again.

Day 7 - Created the sign post routines for all 20 levels. This is the mechanic that will give you a clue how to solve each level with a scripture. Here is a sample screen shot of the scripture for level 1. 

Day 8 - Created the open door animation for the exit level routine, and the opening splash screen template. I still need to create the artwork for the splash screen. 

Day 9 - Added the exit and save game routines. 

Day 10 /11- ToDos - Finish the save game routines, and level 1 mechanics. Add the end game splash page. Finish the artwork for the opening splash page. At this point the game would be complete and functional with just one level. 

Day 3 - I poked around looking for game assets that I could borrow (CC0 licensed), like sounds, models, textures, etc. Just more research in-line with the game design document. 

Day 4 - If I understand it correctly, the Jam is on now. Coding and building the game has begun. I started putting together the first level of the game. I created some basic walls with textures, added some first person mechanics for walking, jumping, and shooting. The weapon is going to be a lightsaber, but it shoots red hot balls of light out of the tip. If I get time, I will attempt to add more complex combat sword style mechanics. I still need to add the some triggers to the scene for turning lights on/off, exiting the level, and the sign post for scriptures. Hopefully, I will wrap that up on Day 5. Here is an example screen shot of what I have so far.

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Day 2 - Game design document completed. Here is a very basic game design document to help visualize what the game will be like, and to keep me on track building it. I will use this post to update any corrections and new ideas to the game design. The game has 20 levels, which may or may not be possible to do in two weeks. I do not have much time to devote to it, but will give it a try to see where it lands. 

Radiant > Evil - (A game based on bible verse, for the 2019 CDN Speedgame)

Bible Verse

Joel 2:7 - “They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:” Interpretation: This verse is part of a larger text talking about the end times. In general, it mentions that we will need to battle an army of locust, and repent of our sins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQLazbgz90c


This is a 1st person shooter with puzzles and mini games. You start out in total darkness. It is Sheol of the old testament. You have died and gone to your grave. You have a final choice to make, to follow the radiant light (God) and end up in Heaven, or you can follow evil (Devil) and go to Hell. You win if you reach Heaven. You loose if you reach Hell. The game has 20 levels. Each end with a sign post as a marker along your journey. On the sign post is a bible scripture that gives you general clues to how to beat the next level. Light plays an important part in winning the game. A wisp of light can be seen sometimes quickly traveling around. This light points you in the right direction to complete the level. However, that does not mean the light sends you on a safe path. More often than not, the path to victory is the path fraught with the most danger. Based on the bible scripture theme above, you will have to battle an army of locust. Other creatures and hurdles are also in your path.

Progressing - Sign Posts

The game is saved once you reach a sign post. You can think of them as waypoints. You can return to any sign post and replay the level once you have completed it once.

Splash Page

Standard 15 second splash page of title and any other important content.

Main Menu

Right after the splash page. Lets you select the level to play. All levels are grayed out until you get to them. You have to complete the lower level to get to the next higher one.

Ending Page/Credits

A standard “You Won!” or “You Lost!” message. Once you click on it, you are taking back to the main menu.

*** SPOILER ALERT *** The solutions to the puzzles are given next. Please stop here if you do not want to know how to solve them.

Level 1

Psalm 139:8 - If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

You are in total darkness. You have to navigate around until you find a light saber laying on the ground. Turning it on gives you a little bit of light to see. This is our lamp and weapon. You notice that you are in a small room with a door. You travel through the door into a larger room. Just outside the door is this sign post. This is the first waypoint. You can now visit level 1 or level 2.

Level 2

2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight

There are two paths. One is clear. You can see an open door at the end of it. The other is full of rocks and debris. You cannot see past to the other side. Taking the clear path you fall into a hidden pit and loose the game. Taking the rocky path, you learn that that there is another door on the other side of the debris. You open it and see a sign post outside of the door. You can now visit level 3.

Level 3

Acts 26:18 -  turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God

You see a chest of gold. Around it are unlit candles. If you open the chest first, a monster jumps out and you loose. If you light the candles first, then open the chest, a light shines brightly to reveal a door. You open it and see a sign post. You can now visit level 4.

Level 4

1 John 3:8 - He that committeth sin is of the devil

You see an apple tree. A sign with a snake on it says “Free apples, please take.”. On the ground is some money. If you take the apple, the trunk of the tree opens up and a doorway appears. You walk through the door and see a sign post. You can now visit level 5. If you take the money, then a big snake appears and eats you. You loose.

Level 5

Psalms 27:1 - The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? 

You see two paths, one is full of locust. The other path leads up and over them. If you take the path of locust, they will attack you. However, they do not injure you. You use your light saber to defeat them. You see a doorway behind them. Once through the door you can visit level 6. If you take the path up and over the locust, then flying locust drop down on you and you loose the game.

Level 6

1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

You see a cage. You cannot tell what is in it, but you hear the deep roar of a lion coming from inside. You can open the cage, or give the lion some food. If you open the cage first, you loose. If you give the food to the lion, then you will see it is only a small cat. It purrs softly. You can now open the cage. One the other side is a door that leads out. You walk through the door and see a sign post. You can now visit level 7.

Level 7

James 4:7 - Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

You are in total darkness. You can hear two voices. They are both speaking in tongues. One voice is good. The other voice is evil. You can hear them get closer to you, then farther away. You need to listen to the voices and go to the one of your choice. If you get too close to either one, an action will trigger. If you are close to the good voice, a door will open with a light shining in. You exit, see the next sign post, and can now visit level 8. If you get too close to the evil voice, then a door opens up, with several locust that attack you. You loose.

Level 8

2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

You see a floating golden halo. There is a high pitched ringing coming from it. It gets louder the closer you approach. If you get too close, it is like a magnet and you get stuck to it. Then an evil laugh sounds, and a bright light fills your eyes. Then you lose. If you stand back and observe from a distance, the same thing happens, but you are not drawn to it like a magnet. Then a door opens. You travel through to see the next sign post. You can now visit level 9.

Level 9

Mathew 25:41 - Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil 

You see fire. You hear an evil voice talking in tongues, but cannot tell where it is coming from. If you get close to the fire, a scream yells out and light comes from your body and extinguishes the fire. A door opens. You can now visit level 10. If you do not get close to the fire, after some time, then you catch on fire yourself and loose.

Level 10

Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

You see a helmet in your path. If you pick it up, locust attack you. However, you are not harmed. You use your light saber to defeat them. A door opens up with a sigh post. You can now visit level 11. If you do not pick up the helmet, after some time the locust attack, but this time they do harm you. You then loose.

Level 11

1 Peter 2:9 - ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

You see a large glow. In front of it is a prayer bench. If you pray, then the light dims, and a door opens. You can now visit level 12. If you do not pray, after some time the light goes out. You are in total darkness, An evil voice sounds in your ear, then you loose.

Level 12

John 3:20 - For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

You see a large glow down a hallway. As you approach it you hear a loud click, followed by an evil giggle and the voice saying “don’t move” If you move forward,, you blow up and loose. If you sand still after some time you blow up and lose. If you move back, a door opens. You can then visit level 13.

Level 13

Ephesians 5:13 - But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

You see an unlit candle and a door. If you light the candle, the door opens. You walk through and see a sign post. You can then visit level 14. If you go to the door first, a click sounds followed by locust attacking you. You loose.

Level 14

Genesis 1. 3-4 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light, And God saw the light, that it was good

You see down a hallway, at the end the paths go right and left. A voice booms “Let here be light”. A door opens to the hallway at the right. You hear water and see darkness to the left of the hallway. Glowing eyes can be seen. You walk through the door and see a sign post. You can now visit level 15. You go through the left hallway toward the eyes and a locust jumps out and defeats you. You lose.

Level 15

John 9:5 - As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

You see a large globe on the floor. Four round targets also appear on the floor. You have to roll the globe around until it hits the targets. Once all four are hit, a door opens. You walk through it and see a sight post. You can now go to level 16. Placed around the map are several locust walking back and fourth to block your way. If any touch you, then you loose.

Level 16

John 8:12 - I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

You see a large globe on the floor. There is a path of lights between two targets on the floor. You have to roll the globe to touch both targets, but stay out of the dark areas. If you touch a dark area with the globe, you lose. If you move the globe to touch both targets, a door opens. You walk through and see a sign post. You can now visit level 17.

Level 17

Psalms 18:28 - For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

You see a locust looking directly at you. Between you and him is a candle. It is unlit. Other locust are going back and forth from left to right across you path. You have to avoid getting touched with them and light each candle. There are 12 candles in a large board. If you get touched by a locust, you loose. If you light all 12 candles, a door appears. You walk through and see a sign post. You can now visit level 18.

Level 18

Psalms 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

You see a path of light going in one direction. A bible is laying on a table on the opposite side. If you touch the bible, a door opens. You go through it to see the sign post. You can now travel to level 19. If you follow the lit path, it circles back around and leads nowhere. Scary sounds surround the lit path.

Level 19

Micah 7:8 - I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.

You see several spot lights with gaps of darkness. It is a maze of light and dark. You have to follow the path of light. If you get off the path, you lose. At the end of the maze is a door out with a sign post. You can now visit level 20.

Level 20

John 12:46 - I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

You see two doors. A note on a table says “One door leads to heaven.” The left one says Lies. The right one says Truth. If you open the door on the left, you loose the game. If you open the door on the right, you win the game.

There was a typing game that I used to play many years ago that did something similar. Words fell from top to bottom of the screen and you had to type them faster and faster. It was a simple concept, but I played it a lot. Space Invader is another top down game that got my lunch money many times. Sounds like a very good game mechanics to me Irma. I am looking forward to playing it.

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Hi all, just posting some day 1 thoughts about a game based on the scripture Joel 2:7 "They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:". This scripture is about the end times and explains some bad things which are going to happen then. One interpretation involves an army of locust. I am going to be a bit edgy this year and try to make a scary game. No NC17 rating, but suspenseful. I am calling this one Radiant > Evil, after the game Resident Evil. It is not going to be a clone of that game exactly, but similar  having a foreboding plot.  At the beginning, you will find yourself in total darkness, and have to find your way out to the light. Light will be a common theme in the game. That is where the word "Radiant" comes from. I also added the > symbol in the title. Light is greater (or better) than Evil, meaning to seek the light of Christ. The game will play some scary music, with locust and other bad things jumping out at you around corners or falling on you from above. You will defeat these monsters with light, maybe a light saber, or something like that., if I can get the mechanics down.  A few puzzles will also need to be solved along the way to progress in the game. It will be a first person shooter, and puzzle game. You will follow clues based on light references, and be presented with more scripture of the rapture, devil, light, etc. These will be at progress markers and save points. I will try to map out a more detailed game design document and post it here with my progress. Now I have to sleep on it, and let the Lord lead where I take this.

I am sure whatever you make will be wonderful Irma. It is not really about the game itself, but the challenge it gives us to grow. in our craft.

Fun times ahead. I am thinking about making a scary game this time, if the scriptures fit. I have never been a big fan of them, but I know they are wildly popular. Just have to tone down the gore and somehow make it uplifting to win. Ready to start designing and see what I come up with. The Lord will lead.

Thanks Josepharaoh for playing our games and making the promo video.  It was great feedback.

Thanks for the feedback GamesForFun. All good notes to take away. You are correct, this is not a traditional game, per se. It is a simulation about preaching the gospel. If we had more time, we would have added more puzzles, physics, mechanics, etc. and updated it with the ideas you posted here. In the end, this game helped me understand Unity more, I am primarily an Unreal guy. I think it gave us a good base for Hope 2 where the ideas can be expanded on for a more interactive game with all of the bells and whistles. 

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I will give you the first spoiler to get you going. The object of the church scene is to gather up your bible, and tracts that are sitting on shelfs at the front of the church. You need to click on them to take them into your inventory. Once you are armed with these documents and the bible, the door will activate and you can go through it. 

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I have added some hints and cheats at the bottom of the page in our GitHub. This is mainly added to help the judges progress quickly through the game, or help you if you get stuck. 

A faith based game created for the 2018 Christian Developer Network Speedgame contest. https://itch.io/jam/cdn-speedgame-2018


We did it! Our game is published and submitted for the contest. Win or loose, this was a fun event. I am privileged and proud to have been a part of it.

More screen shots of the world outside of the church.

Wow that is a lot of progress in two days. Looking good.

World Screen Shot

Screen Shot
Church Screen Shot
Screen Shot
Church Screen Shot
Screen Shot
A few screen shots of our game so far. This is the church where we start out and finish. The other image is a mock up for the world. The blocks and cylinders will be replaced with buildings, trees, etc. 

Impressive doc. :)

Irma came up with the idea of the color of the environment and pamphlets changing to be the game progression mechanic, genius. :)

I added a simple Game Design Document above with a little more clarity. We will update it with screen shots and details as we go along to help you visualize the end product. You can think of it kind of like the gameJourney, but your goal is to interact with people along the way to bring them to Christ/church.

Great game idea! It sort of sounds like the game I submitted for last years contest called Bleap. Here is that game for inspiration or some more brainstorming. https://github.com/CDNSpeedGames/2017/releases/tag/Bleap.v1.0

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This blog will capture our daily progress for the game jam entry that Doug Moses and Irma De Leon are making from the Dallas area team. The game is called Hope. Our bible verse for the theme is:

1 Thessalonians 5:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

We picked the name Hope because it lends itself to the ultimate wining goal of our game, and that is to trust in the Lord, with a strong  desire to make that happen. The game will be a 3D adventure style story where you, the protagonist, explores a small environment filled with people desperate to know Christ. You will encounter Atheists, Criminals, and others needing to hear the good news. You will also minister to the homeless, suicidal, and people hurting too. Each time you convert a person to believe in Christ, the color of your environment gets a little more vibrant. You start out in a gray and bleak world. By the end of the game, your world is clear and beautiful. Along the way you learn that you must change too in order to win. You are encouraged more than the people you are attempting to touch. It should be a warm and heart felt game, full of emotion and inspiration.

Game Design Document

GitHub Repository

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Here are the verses if you are not on Facebook.

1 Peter 2:21 New International Version (NIV) 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

2 Timothy 4:7 New International Version (NIV) 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 New International Version (NIV) 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

The bible verses for the contest has yet to be picked. Kris Murray is collecting all of the suggestions and will give us the final three on the 8th. I will add your verse to the mix. Thanks for joining our contest. :) If you are on Facebook, you can join our group here for more details about the verses being suggested. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChristianDevs/