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Would it be possible to compile for Linux - e.g. as AppImage? Thanks


Probably not the demo, but there will be a Linux version for the full game (which should be finished within a few weeks at most).


You can already play this demo on Linux. All AGS games are playable on Linux. You just have to compile and install the AGS Linux engine, from

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for that info. Maybe in theory, I tried download the ZIP file, extracting AGS file and getting this:

$ ags Shards\ of\ God.ags

Located game data file: Shards of God.ags

ERROR: The game data is of unsupported format or file is corrupt.

But running it via `wine` seems to be working.


Oh, very sorry then. The exact same command works for me. Maybe it's released with a newer version or something? I compiled the engine a few weeks ago, version is


No problem, I played it with wine / Bottles.

Mister Daniel, thine text is missing a full stop. Or is it by intentions?