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Been following your work ever since I found you on Derpibooru.

I must say, you've done some fantastic work with Cruel Serenade, while I did encounter a few bugs here and there, it wasn't anything major.

I enjoyed hunting around through the game for little secrets and other hidden stuff and was pleasantly surprised to see some hidden plots going on, down a certain alley.

While I'm not yet done with everything, I've enjoyed my time immensely so far, thank you for all your hard work Bitshift, I hope this serves as a little motivation boost and that you continue to be successfull in your developer endeavors♡


Wow all the way back to Derp! You have been with me a while. 

And thanks, I really appreciate it. There's been a lot of interesting ups and downs trying to get game stuff working, and I never expected to be doing it this soon. But the opportunity came up, so I kind of had to jump on it. And so far, I'm glad I did.