Anyway, a few additional comments:
Is there a reason that the Q key opens the menu and X closes it instead of just having one key do both like default? That seemed unnecessary and I always forgot that there's two different keys for this.
Also, when you entered the house and apparently fell down, there could've been a sound to indicate it while the screen was black (just the sound of the impact) instead of just have the character state that it happened. A small thing, but it would be nice to have there.
One moment that I think could've been better:
When you are in that room with Greta and have to get the dress from the mannequin, the game says that you can read the Diares to learn more about Greta, suggesting that the knowledge will be useful, but the actual choices you can make to "befriend her" seem to be based entirely on trial and error. It would be better if you could find one Diary that could hint towards what the correct choice is.
Maybe there is one and I just didn't find it?