Do you mean this room? I didn't get any error (browser version)
There's also this room, but I didn't get any error either
Ah, ok, I missed that entirely and expected it to be in the Options. I guess it's fine then! Maybe add another option for Footstep Sounds if it's not already there.
For the room, it was the one near which there were individual pictures of the family members, on the far left end of that corridor that's on the 4th screenshot from the top on your game page (the one with those windows that show the parallax background with faces).
I was playing the browser version as I said.
Anyway, a few additional comments:
Is there a reason that the Q key opens the menu and X closes it instead of just having one key do both like default? That seemed unnecessary and I always forgot that there's two different keys for this.
Also, when you entered the house and apparently fell down, there could've been a sound to indicate it while the screen was black (just the sound of the impact) instead of just have the character state that it happened. A small thing, but it would be nice to have there.
One moment that I think could've been better:
When you are in that room with Greta and have to get the dress from the mannequin, the game says that you can read the Diares to learn more about Greta, suggesting that the knowledge will be useful, but the actual choices you can make to "befriend her" seem to be based entirely on trial and error. It would be better if you could find one Diary that could hint towards what the correct choice is.
Maybe there is one and I just didn't find it?
The reason the menu is opened by pressing Q instead of X is because otherwise it would pop up all the time. You see, I didn't use any plugins for the menu, it was just common events and variables. Originally, it was opened with X, but while I was playtesting, I noticed that it opened randomly all the time, so I had no other choice but to assign it to Q. Next time, I'll just use a plugin to make things easier.
Regarding the footsteps sounds, I forgot to add the option to deactivate them.
Regarding the fall you mentioned: I actually I agree. That was bad design on my part and it would have made that scene better.
Finally, regarding Greta and her diaries. Yeah, bad design again. I didn't leave any hint so you have to figure it out by trying all the choices, which is not good at all. I need to avoid doing this in future projects lol. Trial and error is definitely not a fun experience.
Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback Beregon!
Ah, so that's why it's like this! When you say "it opened randomly" do you mean without you doing anything or when pressing some other key? Because if it works by calling a Common Event when a specific key is pressed then the event shouldn't activate on its own.
And no problem! Your games are always great! Hope to see another one from you in the future! Do you think you'll join the 19th RPG Maker Horror Game Jam too?
More like, I tried to skip a dialogue with "X" and then, bam, the menu appeared. Or I tried to skip the final credits, and the menu appered, completely ruining the tone. This doesn't happen with the default menu, but I wanted to try making a custom menu with just common events. I honestly don't recommend it haha.
Thanks a lot! The RPG Maker Horro Game Jams are my favorites so I always try to participate! I'll definitely join the 19th edition