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That was a fun playthough, especially for a first game :)

I'd like to see what sort of gameplay you add to this, if you plan to keep making it. You should get tons of feedback from other devs and it's nice to try and fix what you think is needed as it gives you another feeling of completeness, just like the one you get when you submit the game :D

For the feedback, Id recommend a couple of changes. First, it would be nice to see which side of the ship the cannon is on as I kep losing track when the ship changed directions :O
Next I think ti would be helpful to add a text overlay that explains you need to collide with the big ship to enter. It might just be me, but I randomly sailed around then tried boarding the beach, only to be greeted with a message saying I broke my ship :( :P

Overall, it was a fun game and if you do make any additions or changes, I'll happily give it another playthrough

Thanks for your advices !

You are absolutely right about all of that, if you want to know, 1 hour before i published the game there hasn't the possibility to change the canon ship, because at first at wanted to do a lot of UI things to know i you have ammo, where the canon is targeting... but the UI part was very complicated to me so i decided to give up that.

And for the big boat, I knew that some people wouldn't understand. I thought that making it flash would be enough. I hope it doesn't discourage some because the majority of the work was done on the "platformer" part, but even then, initially, I wanted to do something with the UI.

But to be honest, I don't know if I'll go any further with this game. It was a great experience for me, but because I'm a lazy person and I do everything at the last moment, I had to code very messily, and I don't feel like getting back into this mess, haha.

But thank you for your comment, it's very helpful!