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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was a fun playthough, especially for a first game :)

I'd like to see what sort of gameplay you add to this, if you plan to keep making it. You should get tons of feedback from other devs and it's nice to try and fix what you think is needed as it gives you another feeling of completeness, just like the one you get when you submit the game :D

For the feedback, Id recommend a couple of changes. First, it would be nice to see which side of the ship the cannon is on as I kep losing track when the ship changed directions :O
Next I think ti would be helpful to add a text overlay that explains you need to collide with the big ship to enter. It might just be me, but I randomly sailed around then tried boarding the beach, only to be greeted with a message saying I broke my ship :( :P

Overall, it was a fun game and if you do make any additions or changes, I'll happily give it another playthrough

I started off playing and thought I wouldn't like the game after dying straight away on the explosive rapids. I quickly realised I got slightly addicted, and had many turns on it :D

The ship control mechanic is amazing and I'd love to see what other sorts of levels you add in.

This could work really well as a mobile game, with many mini-levels to progress through.

The only thing that kept getting me killed was when you click somewhere on the wheel, it automatically turns to that point, rather than doing nothing and only turning hwen you spin the wheel. You need to click at the top of the wheel, then turn if you want precise movement.

Not a deal breaker in any way, just a recomendation :D

First game I've rated in the jam and it's a nice, relaxing one :)

I love the concept of collecting\foraging for items that you then cook and give to the villagers.

I did get lost pretty quickly though, but perseverance at least got me to craft a few things.

To help with that lost feeling, I'd definately add a progression system, where only one item is available in the pots, one that doesn't need too many items. This will give an initial feeling of completion before goig onto tougher recipes.

I struggled to find the chicken things :D, as I felt like I was wandering around aimlessly. A mini map would be very helpful especially if it highlighted where certain items are.

Overall it was a nice little game and I'd love to see where you take it (Y)

Eventually got it working :O :D

Apologies all, first WebGL build on this game and the sprites refused to load :(

I also tried participating in that same jam, but I didn't finish my game in time, but I was commenting on the live stream q bit 😂

Thanks for the review, I also noticed that the jump was a little wierd and due to me using tilemaps, the floor and walls were tagged as ground, my logic of hitting ground before jumping again goes a tad wonky since the wall is ground haha

I appreciate the feedback 🙏 

Thanks for the feedback :)

I've noticed it seems to be broken in the WebGL build, I'm guessing it is because another UI element is on top, blocking the raycast, but I'll fix it for my next version :D

I initially wanted to add 5 levels but I realised how hard level design was. I'm going to try 5 levels for the next release and play through them multiple times .

I'm also hoping to add collectibles (liek the mario star coins) where there'll be 3-5 per level that are optional but may unlock other levels.

Thanks for the feedback :)

I didn't have enough time for music or sounds but I agree that it would have added soo much in terms of immersion. I'll prioritise that on my next/current jam game :P

I did think of adding a glowing effect but I didn't know how to off the top of my head, but I'll definately look into it since it seems to be a wanted.

Also thanks for recomending Ibb and Obb, I had never heard of it so I will give it a play though :D

Thanks for the reply Zeromus,
I only had a few hours in total to create this and I had so many ideas :D

The retry butotn seems to be a WebGL issue only, I'm assuming one of the other UI layers is overlapping, so I'll reorder the button to the top :)

I'll create custom character sprites to add more life to the game as well as music and sound effects.
Some other improvements I'm looking at are SFX when the player collides with the floor, walls etc.

Thank you so much for hte feedback, hopefully I'll turn this into an amainz little game.

Wow, what a crazy and great game, reminds me of the Warioware games of the past :D

Overall this is one of hte best games I've played so far. I love how things start of super easy but quickly progress into chaos. (Not sure what the high score is but I got 23 with 1775 tickets :P)
The only improvement I would offer is to have some indication that you've beat a level. I get the later levels it's pointless as they don't last 2 seconds, but the space raider, crying and power off games didn't give an indication that I'd won, and being on slower level, I carried on trying to click etc but it then just ended.

Keep up the great work and I'm hoping to see more from this :D

The art and design of the game looked fantastic. The sounds were great apart from the constant buzzing when moving.

I also felt a bit lost when traversing through the level, it seemed like I just hapharzardly came across clues rather than following some sort of trail.

Overall a great game with great graphics. Keep up the good work.

First time performing as a DJ :D

There were some nice mechanics in this game and overall it was a delightful play.

One issue I had was with the caller sound, as it was pretty loud and a tad agressive. Turning down the volume would be appreciated.

Also when I bought a new vinyl, I was unable to play it as I couldn't remove the other vinyls from the deck, I tried clicking everything with no luck :(

Also for some reason, the first called was stuck on screen and I couldn't end the call, not a major issue but I'm not sure if I got myself in a situation where I couldn't interact with anything :O

If you're planning on continuing with this game, I'd like to check it out again 

Really nice game, took me back to my Gameboy Advance days :D

The art is really nice for most of the game, and I'm assuming the platforms etc are untextured due to a lack of time, so I'll not be harsh on the rating :)

At first I was going to complain about the controls as I started using the WASD keys for moving, only to realise that W doesn't jump :\, also attack was X under the movements keys which was a tad inconvenient, but then I reliased the tutorial showed the arrow keys, not the WASD ones, so my bad. 2 ways to improve the player misunderstanding is to either stop A & D from moving the player, or allow WASD keys to fully work like the arrow keys.

Regarding the level, I wasn't sure why the platform started going up in the sky when the terrain looked really nice, maybe it would have been obvious if the art was in place, but I kind of felt lot.

Finally the witch fight felt a bit unfiar as I was unable to see how much I had damaged the witch. Also the fallig spikes were damaging me even though they didn't hit me, maybe the colliders were too large resulting in false positives.

Overall, it is a nice game and I'd be up for playing a more polished version, for sure :)

Not a bad mini game :)

I thought the sounds worked great but I struggled to understand what you had to do once the enemies change color. I still don't fully get it, so maybe a little popup, or scene with only a couple enemies to teach us what is about to happen, before it does.

I tried looking at the Help screen (Esc) but it wasn't obvious what I had to do.

Fun little game either way :)

Nice little game.

The art is pretty good but the sound was a tad repetitive.
The controls were a little awkward to work with such as I wasn't fully aware I was attacking the first enemy, but once I figured it out, it worked pretty well. Also I was close to a spike but still died, even though I didn't touch it (maybe a collider size issue) and when I did die, I was able to walk for a second or two before he stopped (thought I survived it at first :O)
Overall it was a good game and I'd like to see where you take it :)

Great game and a cool concept on the Pac Man title.

The only issue I had was with the controls where the controller seems to fall down making it tough to get into some areas, especially when being cornered or chased.

Overall, this is a great concept and I'm down for playing more :)

Wanting to give credit to Vexed and his Retro Lines artwork I used for this jam game


Thanks xguild 😄

I had big plans for this game but had to cut it short to meet the jam deadline. I've spent around 8 hours on it so far, so I'm hoping I can make it better with more time 😊