A few things
1) The stun having priority over your turns feels excessive, when you're already guaranteed to lose 2 turns to it
2) The stun should also just end your turn automatically? I don't see why it doesn't do that
3) The general lack of options you have access to leads to really boring battles, especially when the vast majority of the battles are just the same 3 hyena fight (maybe it gets better later, but the early parts of the game suffer playing less like a game, and more like a flowchart that's just "Hard Knocks -> Attack Lowest HP Enemy -> Repeat Step 1, use healing if 1-2 hits from death"), and the lack of any real energy management between battles also takes out a level of strategy, leading to combat feeling even more samey and bland
(Also, the fact that you can just get one turn subbed, because rngesus just said so feels wrong)