dude! That's pretty genius and now I feel dumb! But yeah, it is not that obvious you need to type, since there's no prompt to do so, maybe as you open the book have one of the thanatonauts in that room say "Start Typing" or something similar as to not break the atmosphere(?). Gonna go back into the game and check it out, maybe I can finish it now! Thanks for the tip!
Got myself recording a playthrough (in spanish) of all the indie gems that often go underaprecciated and might post it today or tomorrow in my (really small) YT channel. I don't like to self-promote in the game's comments, so I might not post it here.
Edit: I just finished the game and OMG the reference to the Cenobites was just awesome (or at least I think you referenced them). I really loved your game. Specially the quotes from some of the Thanatonauts. I would love to see more from the world you have crafted here.
Excellent! I would definitely check out your channel (although my Spanish isn't great).
Fun fact: "Pain Thing" actually came from when I was trying to reference Hellraiser in a conversation and I couldn't think of the title. Those were the words that came out of my mouth for some reason.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! My first game, The Onanist, occurs in the same universe, if you're looking for more. Lots of similar dialogue/writing.
Definitively gonna play that one! Specially with that name! you can check out my channel here. I'm posting your game's video tomorrow. Hope I made justice to your game. I struggled with translating some parts as I did them on the go and some were just plain impossible for my brain to understand and translate. I've been doing this youtube thing for 2 weeks now haha!
I found Pain Thing hilariously creepy and all your world's inhabitants scream "Hellraiser".