This was a solid submission. Well paced, with a beginning, middle and end. The art is cute, and the story fun.
I really like the premise of a world corrupted and twisted into fractaline forms, even if the visuals don't quite manage to do a solid job of communicating that.
The gameplay didn't really drive my to explore the game's levels. It ended up being most effective to pick a spot and learn the patterns of projectiles in that single space. Perhaps having parts of the level become unnavigable (fractal twisting) if the player remains too long in one place could help guide them into the rest of the level.
I found myself wishing that I could do variable length dashes to control the amount of cooldown between them, or have some other way of using dashes that made alternate strategies feel more viable. As it was, I felt like I needed to save my dash to destroy the seeking projectile, and if I used it for anything else, it wouldn't charge fast enough to save me from the next seeking projectile.
I wasn't sure how people would interpret the optional prompt "fractal," and this one was exciting to discover.
It's always great to see projects with sources available.