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(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I'm seriously torn. I love this content and how hard the fetishes and kinks go for the most part, but man the MC. On the one hand, I get it, I truly do. If he was hot/likable, people would want to do more sexy stuff with him and it makes it hard to justify some of the narrative. On the other hand, the MC as is, is just so incredibly dislikable. Like it really annoys me to play as him, and so trying to remove myself from him as a character seems like the ideal, but that just makes it even more obnoxious with some of the things he does. 

Please don't misunderstand, its not like bad writing or anything. Actually, I've often said being able to bring about negative emotions in the reader is a sign of good writing, because it means they are engaged and having a reaction to what's happening in the story. But my god, the MC not only has a face I just want to punch, he's just...such a douche. It's not even unrealistic, his reactions are appropriate for his situation for the most part, it just rubs me the wrong way as a submissive guy in general. 

The kinks are hot, I am enjoying the semi-political social community of what the island turned nation. And if the MC was hot, there would be less reasons to abuse him and his wife would get an even more raw end of the deal. Like I said, I'm just torn.

Just out of curiosity, what makes the MC a douche in your opinion?