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Cute game, reminds me of Stardew Valley meets Zelda! You did a great job envisioning player progression by adding more expensive plants and plots to save up for. Adding in more to do would help may the gameplay loop exciting as the seasons progress. Nice work producing something so cohesive!

Notes taken during my gameplay:

intro screen is visually interesting, could be polished more, like a border around the title box. Background is low rez compared to buttons, creates some visual conflict

nice music, reminds me of stardew valley

nice tutorial, very helpful. Inventory button could use better highlighting, wasn't sure what button it was referring to. Having players do the actions during the tutorial can help reinforce their memory of what the commands are, versus just showing them.

i like the little village. Can I interact with anyone?

villagers walk through buildings

shop menu: the separate tabs for selling are confusing - will I be getting seeds to sell?

I can enter negative values into the seed amount field to receive gold (I'm spending negative 50 gold, so that means I receive 50 gold), need to use absolute value when processing this and/or forbid negative sign being used

entering negative values into the sell plant box results in negative gold

faded background from shop interaction didn't go away when i left, whole screen has a dark overlay

how do I use tools, forgot tutorial, it's selected but can't figure out how to use. same with planting. Gonna restart and try again.

second try. Dragging is an odd mechanic, not very intuitive.

good use of strength as a meter for player activity to make them choose actions

planted, time for sleep I guess? Going to explore first. Nice job making a fully boundaried game world which players can't escape. Layout of the world is easy to navigate and the design is cute and consistently themed.

good use of buying new plots and more expensive seeds as a way to give progression as gameplay advances

i like the circle fadeout/fadein to next day. consider locking player movement during this animation.

next day, oops forgot to water

watered, don't really think there's anything more I can do today, need some more gameplay besides the planting to fill up the day

next day, plants have advanced in growth! are they grown? How can I pick them?

next day, aha there they are grown! Great work making it clear they are grown with the white outline. Click to harvest was nice and easy.

eating plant works to restore strength, seems to give a big amount!

there seems to be some clipped art/border stuck above my sprite's head when moving

would be nice to see how many of a plant we have in the sell menu

able to sell plants!

does season affect planting?

ooh, it's raining, nice random weather effects!

seasonal rotation is odd. We start in jan/summer (fitting for NZ), but then go to month 2/spring. then autumn. I like how you included seasonal variation in the art!


Whoa! its a full gameplay. Thanks for this detailed feedback. Ahh I never relized about writting negative values while selling or buying seeds. I better need to solve this. I know the dragging system is not very good match for this game. Multiple people told me this. So I am going to change it to something easy to use after the jam. 

And that was not dark effect on opening menu. It could be night. The game also have day night cycle.

The game's day time was 2:30 when the screen dimmed.