I feel like I might be missing part of the gameplay. All I can figure out is to shoot monsters. If there is more I should do, let me know and I'll give it another play!
Notes taken during playing:
oh, got launched right into the action!
I'm a cute little soldier dude, are these crabs attacking me?
music doesn't really seem to fit
the chicken on top of the house is awesome
is this all hand-drawn? It's got a cute vibe to it. Reminds me of old old games, like Turrican
how do i use the CHAINSAW?!
enemies move so fast and then push me, I end up just spamming click versus aiming from a distance
do I have a health bar?
hard to control gun aim
what are these gold stars in the middle? edit: in your screenshot it shows that as a UI bar showing seasons. On my screen it's in the middle of the map beneath rocks.
guessing the purple stuff on the ground are random void zones
can I plant?
might be missing some of the gameplay here, can't figure out what to do except kill monsters