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I didn’t mean a tag, but a whole label outside This sort of thing is inevitably going to become a political issue within a few years.

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You do not create a label for the thing that is normal.

That always annoyed me with  non-smoking label. But I guess people back then that did not smoke were the minority.

While we are at it, why not also use a Made In Label. I want to discriminate against certain countries, so that I do not put money there, supporting them. What good does it, if you want to support human made art, if it came from chinese sweat shop. And yes, that is what they do for real paintings on canvas. You can google that.

AI  made is not quite true term. An AI was used to create it, but this is only half the truth. I dabbled with AI creation. For Stable Diffusion I can tell you, it takes skill and patience to  create good stuff.   Even with AI there is a human acting. And for human made art, some of the image editor tools feel like cheating, compared to real hand-drawn.

The issue with many AI, Stable Diffusion included, is similar to artists that trace other artists. Or copy other artists style  wholesale. This is century old behaviour in arts. And the AI is so dumb, that it even copies watermarks and signatures, if unchecked.

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I would agree, but there is never a consensus on what “normal” is. Just look at how everyone defines what it means to be American. Furthermore we can’t predict whether AI art will be a minority in a decade (and so become “normal”).

A label would be a clear-cut way to state your stance before any confusion could arise.

What good does it, if you want to support human made art, if it came from chinese sweat shop.

I’m not sure if you speak sincerely, but I agree. Blame legislation on not catching up with the Internet.

Regarding the normal thing.  Like basically all magazine covers are fake photoshop, and human models wear fake  faces by using makeup? Ever seen this Kardashian woman without makeup? ;-)

I did not get that stuff with the sincerity. Is this a translation issue? This is opinions we talk. What ulteriour motive could I hide by being not sincere? You think I am a chatbot in disguise?  :-o

No, I just know people tend to become cynical and sarcastic when it comes to these issues.

Ohh, and here I was proving your assumption.

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And artists tracing for non-educational methods, posting that art (even if used to learn), and/or selling that art is bad, therefore not an excuse for AI art. Have you seen the shit tracers get in art communities?? Just look at Pink Cat, who got thrown out of a convention opportunity- an actual business opportunity- because of her tracing. AI works by literally mashing different images together so the style & reference arguments fall short. AI is unethical and steals from artists. And, ngl, I have played around with AI until I got something I liked before for fun! ...It does NOT take near as much work as actual art does and the effort is NOT comparable IMO, esp with the years artists take to learn how to draw/paint/etc.


Where did you read that it is an excuse? I seem to remind that I explicitly worded it like a problem that (some) AI art has. It is not better (morally) than tracing.

If you were to outsource your art commission to a sweatshop, the artists that people want to protect from AI would still not have your commisions. Even better (actually, worse), if people condemn AI art, there would be more of an incentive to have such sweatshops, just to be able to tell, a human made it. You see similar evasions how companies try to get a label of Made in Country or for food , where they do one tiny step in production to be able to tell that the meat is locally made.

Against some AI one can argue with the trainging methods, similar to tracing, but those arguments would not hold for other AI concepts. The fact that you use mass production to put people out of jobs never worked as an argument   in the past. There need  to be better arguments against AI.


How about: it literally steals our art and breaks multiple copyright laws

"It" literally is a piece of software. "it" can do nothing, since it has no agency of it's own. And the discussion about AI training and laws is pending. 

Your argument about AI that were trained with art from non consenting artists will be invalid for AI trained by public domain and consenting artists.