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Most of the stars.

It was a bit to low rezzy for me. Just not my particular aesthetic.

I eventually figured out where to get my lemon juice, strawberry juice, and blue raspberry juice, but never did figure out how to turn the juices into something.

The couple of times I played I wound up having a standoff with an alien, and dying.


Didn't quite see how I was the monster.

Unless it the aliens planet, and I'm an imperialist. That would be monstrous.

(1 edit)

there is a tutorial that tells you how to  exchange the "juice" to crystals at the top (Go to the Fabricators and press E if your bag isn t empty, they have 30 seconds cooldown)- and then you need to build Tower xD If you win the Game you will find out the Topic :D

No worries. I looked at the tutorial, but didn't really READ it.

Its a problem with me. I also often hear people, but don't LISTEN.