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I've been holding off on commenting on this because I wanted to try and come up with something better to say than "Aelfric is cute! Conrad is cute! This whole game is so cute!"

So, sorry for this series of disjointed thoughts, haha

I fell into the same trap as Edmund did. From his looks, I thought Aelfric was going to be much more of a jerk. The fact that he's just... earnest and whimsical is extremely charming. A v good boy for sure.

I loved all the little RPG world jokes and aesthetic touches, especially the nostalgic sound effects! I read it with a friend and we both laughed out loud quite often. I know the slimes are right here on the page's bg, but I quickly forgot about them and when one showed up in-game, I died laughing xD

All in all, the story is extremely sweet, and all the characters are so charming and interesting. I really loved it! Especially Conrad. What a cutie T-T

(btw, Edmund must secretly be a slime, because he jelly af...)

Hehehe thank you Milo :^)

The game would be so different if Aelfric was a smartass, but he is in fact a himbo. Maybe he and Edmund would've gotten along lol I'm glad yall got a laugh out of it and yesss I also enjoy Conrad!! Good taste. 

I will say Edmund doesn't necessarily deny that he is jealous of Aelfric XD

Aforementioned friend here! =D

The game was extremely charming and endearing! I liked both Aelfric and Conrad quite a lot, and found their relationship quite sweet. Aelfric being so instantly and intensely smitten was adorable to read (I love me a good lovestruck boi), and I was really rooting for the two of them by the end!


Hehehe i had a hunch it was you! Thank you for your thoughts Bri I'm glad both of you enjoyed the game. It's quite fortunate Aelfric happened to be Conrad's type as well LOL I had a lot of fun writing their dynamic :^)