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The Mahir thing is actually be intended behavior. He has two different windups, with subtly different attacks. The first works as you'd expect: windup, you block, the block protects you from the "payout." The second is there to catch you off guard: wind up, you block, and then he hits you with a stun and one-hits you. You can counter this by attacking rather than blocking. That's the gimmick of the fight: you have to catch on that there's two windups being used.

Got the rest implemented, and even tweaked the alignment on the chairs, just for you!

The downside is they won't turn to face the player anymore, as they're static scenery now with invisible events for interactivity, but I think it's a decent trade-off. 

I don't necessarily need a screenshot of the kitsune, just give me an idea of which one it is/where it is.