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Hello, thank you! really good suggestions!

Right now I'm primarily working at fixing these inconsistent rules of how secret rooms interact with special rooms and other secret rooms  so don't worry, Im aware lol 
Who would've thought that it is really important for a puzzle game to actually be a good puzzle game and not a slot machine
So expect some changes (hopefully for the better)

About your suggestions/questions: 

" 'high/low/very low" chance" : the current version already work as you suggested (being binary "always there"/"never there") I just need to change the rule book pictures 

"Do larger multi-tile rooms count as a single 'step'?": No they does not and path should be calculated correctly (If its not let me know)

"Do glitch rooms factor into the 'largest min. distance' for outsider rooms?" No, because it stands later in spawn order (you can see the order of room spawn in top-right corner from top to bottom) but it is not explained in the game so understandable

"Do previously found secret rooms count when adding up the adjacent rooms for 'Red Secret Room'?" No they does not count (and not yet found also) 

(5 edits) (+1)

****End game / challenge spoilers below***

Awesome, thanks for the information! I've just one challenge left to do (and no hearts to do it with).

- It looks like you're right that rooms weren't spawning in 'low chance' areas. Undiscovered secret rooms sometimes cause others to spawn in 'worse' tiles otherwise they would conflict with the one neighbor rule, but this isn't always consistent:

^It seems like starter rooms are generated first on the map, and it goes down the line? Also it seems like market rooms don't affect the spawns of any other. 

- It's ambiguous whether blocked-off tiles should count when finding 'Red Secret Rooms' - it appears they do.

- The final room for the purist challenge was a repeat of the very first level, which I'm not sure is intended. I was relieved expecting a boss rush! 

- It looks like no secret rooms can spawn on any of the glitch rotation tiles, which is nice because I've had rooms with 8+ Angel spot candidates and that helps narrow it down. 

All said, these are all very minor things in what is otherwise a game that I would highly recommend.

Potential bugs after update:

Room (5?) in a normal run started with all rooms discovered (no cheats) and no way to advance to the next room, had to restart. 

If a glitch room spawns on a square that you have an x (right click) and you can remove the x but it won't let you pickaxe that square.  

Red rooms weird spawning:

***End Spoilers***