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(1 edit) (+1)

This is an adorable little game!  Absolutely will be continuing to play / improve.  I hope you'll continue development after the voting period!

I might suggest a higher resolution pixel sampling.  Not high-def, but a bit more than we have.  I agree with Festus in that it can be harder to read what we are going after.

Perhaps one of the upgrades or an item the player could carry might help highlight nearby resources with a color-based glow or something along those lines.

All in all, a fantastic entry!  That was a lot for a game jam!  You used those days very well!  Great job!

EDIT:  I am very glad (and I daresay proud) that you overcame your frustration and rejoined the game jam.  It is absolutely inspiring that you came back swinging and knocked it out of the park!  You took away some very valuable lessons that I think will help you greatly, not just in game development but in every aspect of life.  Keep your eyes on the horizon! :D 

oh thanks a lot! - Sadly I have to say, that I will not work on this game further in the near future. I have 2 Major Projects I am working on to release on Steam. So untill that is done, I will have to pause on this one.

I Think I will add a little bit (easy fixes) to this game, so the readability gets better (the font is also not very well readable, highlights on active nodes etc)  so the expirience is better.

Also thank you for the Edit part - I appriciate your words alot! Thank you very much!