I played both the original and after jam editions and I couldn't get it to work it seemed. First off the menu was behind me at the start, this is probably just due to the fact that my play space is facing away from my PC. Anyway I liked the flashlight effect as did everyone else but I do think it could be more interesting to have it separated from the head and just in hand instead. I couldn't really figure out what to do, I took the elevator to the top room and it was empty, then to the bottom and walked out of the elevator half way up and discovered a random stump in the dark which was interesting. The smooth turn was a problem for me but I was happy that I could change it to snap turn in the settings. I didn't get much further after the stump I walked off the level. I decided to try out the after jam version and I found it to be more broken actually. I had smooth turn and snap turn on at the same time until I changed it in the settings which then made it snap turn only for my right hand, but my left hand was doing movement and snap turn so it was really hard to get anywhere. I ended up going to the elevator again and taking it up to the bottom and while it was going down I made it go to the top and when it got to the top it would never let me go anywhere else. Something that felt really good to me was the UI ray interactor smoothing, how did you do that? It felt really good.
Aesthetically your game is pleasing, I like the style and the menu being a like old TV is cool, but I couldn't get past the basic locomotion issues and I couldn't get the game started I guess. I did notice that while falling down out of the level I saw there was another way to go inside the elevator. I'm also a bit confused about the difference between ground floor and bottom floor but I guess bottom would be lower than ground.